Chapter 6: Friends?

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"What are you gonna do now?" Steve asked placing his empty plate in the dish washer "about Johnny I mean..." he turned to take April's from her.

"I don't know." she sighed "I can't go back to him, not this time. I'm sick of his bullshit."

"I don't blame you. I don't understand how guys can do that knowing how much it would hurt there partner." Steve ranted.

April smiled weakly and let out an exasperated breath "There's not many men like you around any more Steve Rogers."

"That a good thing?"

"That depends..." she explained "No because it means your the only non-asshole in the entire world right now, but yes because it means you're special... And in honoured to be able to call myself your friend." April lingered more on the last word.

Steve raised an eyebrow "Friend?" shocking himself with the forwardness of his speech.

"Okay, maybe best friend." April smirked

Steve chuckled toward the floor "Best friend? Okay, I'll take that."

"I suppose I better start looking for a flat or something, do you have a computer?" She asked

Steve shook his head "Don't be silly, you can stay here as long as you need to... you put me up for weeks on end, let me return the favour..." he shrugged "Besides, its nice having the company."

"Thanks Steve" April grinned "I really appreciate this..."

"I know, don't worry about it." he smiled back.


For the rest of the morning April spent time immersing herself in work to try and forget about Johnny. She hadn't turned her phone back on yet, and she didn't intend to.

Steve walked out of his room carrying a large bag,
"Hey, A... Im gonna head to the gym, will you be okay here on your own for a while?"

"Yeah I'll be fine" she smiled sweetly, looking up from her files.

"Okay, see you later."

"Have fun."

Okay so I know this chapter was only short and a bit flimsy but I'm writing more now so there's some juicy stuff coming :) xo

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