Chapter one

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"Y/n come on. It's our third year, don't you think it's time to stop this feud with Tendō?" Semi asks. He's been your best friend since day one on year one. "Nuh-uh Semi." you say shaking a finger at the poor boy. "Do not give me your lecture again." you say with a sigh. Semi rolls his eyes and you stick your tongue out. "Haven't you heard semi? It's my year, and I'm going to win." he places a hand on your shoulder, "win? If that's even possible then what's the prize?" you stand there slightly stunned. Well you hadn't thought about that until now. "Don't ask such ridiculous questions, of course there's a prize!" you say waving it off. "What? Just the satisfaction?" he asks. "Maybe?" you say and shrug your shoulders.

"Come, we don't have time for this." you change the subject. Luckily the bell had just rung, signalling for class to start soon. It was the start of a new year, the first day to be exact. Ever since your first year at Shiratorizawa, you have had a growing feud with Tendō Satori. It started on only the first month of school. You decided to join the girls volleyball Club. Your position is a setter and you based your sets on precision and quick mathematical equations. And that's exactly how the feud began. The girls and boys volleyball Club were having a small celebration together for their teams getting into nationals.

Your girls were asking how your sets were always on point. So you explained to them your method of equations. Tendō overheard the conversation and started chuckling. You were confused and asked "what?" He had asked if you ever just "went with your instinct" and of course you shook your head. You had both gotten into an argument after that. He said volleyball was supposed to be fun and over thinking it just killed the vibe. And you retorted with, using actual skill to score a point and ensure the win was rewarding enough. Of course you thought volleyball was fun, but you and him just had different ideas of fun. Since then you both tried your best to prove who was right and wrong.

You'd go off of how many blocks he got and how many of your perfect sets got over the net, including points from setter dumps. You'd go off how long each other was in a match for and how many times you touch the ball. It was starting to become an obsession between the two of you. It caused everyone around you to assume you hated each other. Which lead to you both assuming the hatred was mutual.

What sucked though, was that you both had some of the same friends. Like Semi and Goshiki, for example. You of course made other friends do to the girls volleyball Club and of course you still had your friends from middle school who then introduced you to their new friends. To say the least, you had a lot of friends. But only Semi was your best friend. As far as you knew, Ushijima was Tendōs best friend.

"Y/n?" you jump slightly and open your eyes a bit. You hum in response. "The bell rang, it's time for lunch." your teacher said. You stand up and bow. "I'm sorry sensei." they nod and tell you it's fine but not to let it happen again. "Thank you, have a nice lunch." you say before walking out. You head to the lunchroom after stopping at your locker first.

"Ya! Shirabu~" you tease the male as you sit down next to him and Semi. "Why are you so happy?" he asks with a weirded out look. "Today is our first official practice as a team!" you exclaim with stars in your eyes. "Aren't you guys excited?" you ask confused as they look at each other with bored looks. "We would be, but that just means another year of yours and tendōs shit." Shirabu complains. "Ya! Language!" you scold him. "Don't worry it'll be over soon." you say with a smile. Shirabu raises an eye brow and semi face palms himself. "I'm gonna win of course." you say proudly. "In your dreams l/n~ I'm gonna crush you this year." you groan silently at the voice. "We'll see about that tendō san." you say with a smirk and squinted eyes. He fake smiles back and goes to sit with Ushijima.

"It's started hasn't it?" one of your teammates asks as they sit down, noticing the looks on Semi and Shirabus faces. They nod their heads in unison. The girl groans and lightly hits her head on the desk. "Not. Again." she mumbles. "Oh be quiet." you say and playfully hit her arm. "So, you excited to vote for captain?" you nod your head happily. "I'm so voting for you!" you say to her. "What why?" she asks confused with a small laugh. "Cause Akari, you are an amazing player, plus who else would we all vote for?" you ask confused, running options through your head. "I don't know, maybe you?" you look at her as if she's crazy. "Excuse me?" you ask.

"Oh don't be surprised. You're like the mom of us, always keeping us in check and making sure we are following the plays. You're a real good leader l/n." Akari says with a soft smile. "Don't flatter me. I still have so much improving to do and I-" semi slaps a hand over your mouth and sighs. "Thanks semi san." Akari says with a knowing look. He nods his head and removes his hand. "What was-" you start with a bit of annoyance. "Listen l/n! You need to stop doubting yourself! You've been a starter since your first year. That says a lot." you look Akari in the eyes and frown slightly. "That doesn't mean I'm fit for the job." you mumble. "Stop doubting yourself! You're in the top classes and one of our best players, you work harder than any of us, you encourage us when we're not having a good day, and so much more. Do not get me started on-"

"Ya ya! I get the point." you Inturupt and wave your hands in front of her face. "Oh don't flatter her~" tendō says as he walks by. "Oh it's on~" you whisper, standing up quickly. "Why, just why did you have to get her started?" Goshiki whines as he passes you, catching up to tendō. The red head rolls his eyes and smirks. "What?" he asks. "You don't think I'd be a good Captain?" you ask, looking up at him. "Hm? All I said was stop flattering you." he says and walks off. "That's it, let me at him!" Semi holds you back and you hear tendō let out a small chuckle.

"Girl calm down! It's only been half a day." Akari scolds as the other two boys agree. "Ya ya! Whatever." you say with a pout. I can't wait until practice starts.

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