Chapter seven

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Let's just say you were extremely grateful that Atsumu didn't go to your school or else you'd have to be dealing with that embarrassment. "Y/n, bad news." Semi says as he walks up to you. "After the week I've had what could possibly be so bad?" you ask. "We have a practice match against Inarizaki." he states with hesitation. "Shoot me!" you shout. "Do it semi semi~ please~" you beg. "Stop, you're starting to sound like tendō." he says with disgust. "Do not compare me to him." you state.

"But for real, what the fuck?" you ask. "He's coming here?" you ask. Semi nods his head. "But why them??" you complain. "Hey, it's not like you're going to play them." you nod your head, "yeah that's true. But when your guy's practice matches end, that's usually when our teams get out at the same time. Which means there's a chance I might run into him." you explain with a tint of worry in your eyes.

"I'll just text you when it's safe to come out." Semi mentions as he takes a bite of his sandwich. "Ok, let's do that." semi eyes you. "I was kidding." he says. You stare at him. You breath in and then out. "I see..."

"Yo! Ushijima!" you call out as the male walks into the lunch room. He comes over to you. "I have a question." you say as you rub your temples. "Hm?" he hums. "Is it true y'all are playing against Inarizaki?" you ask. "Are you suggesting I'm lying?" semi asks. You shush him. You look back up at the tall male. "It is." you groan and cry out silently. "Why~"

"Wait we are!?" Tendō asks, coming out of no where like usual. "Yes Satori." Ushijima says in monotone. "Oh, this is going to be fun~" he says and places his hand on his hips. "Are you here to rub it in my face?" you tilt your head to the side and eye him. "Hmm, I could. But where's the fun in that?" he says with a wink. You roll your eyes. "Ya ya." you mumble.

"Let's go Ushiwaka." tendō says to the male with a sigh as he pats his shoulder. Ushijima nods and he and tendō take their leave to their own table. "What. Was. That.?" Akari questions. You hum. "There was no fight... No argument... No nothing..." she says with disbelief. "It's probably because he feels bad for me." you say with a raised brow towards the others.

"Maybe..." she mumbles.
*Tendō's pov*

"Why are you so hyped about playing this team?" Goshiki asks me. I turn to the male and crack my neck. "I just want to break them. More than usual..." I state with a smirk. "Ok..." he says and eyes me like I'm crazy.

"You got something against them?" Reon asks. "Just... One of them." I squint my eyes and place a hand on my hip. I tilt my head back and eye the boys as they walk in. I spot a certain yellow headed male and frown lightly. "It's time boys~" I call out. "We still have ten minutes before we start." Ushijima mentions. I glare at him. "Stop ruining my fun." I mumble to myself.

"Ohoho." I chuckle quietly as I glare over at the male. He catches my eye and gives me a questioning look before smirking. "Want an autograph?" he teases. "I can't wait to break y-" Semi elbows me and Ushijima places a hand over my mouth. They drag me back over to the team and sigh.

"They just got here and you're already trying to intimidate them?" Semi asks. Does he know what that piss haired dude did to his dear best friend? The real question is, why do I care so much? We are rivals for fudge sakes. But she looked so sad and the way she was doubting her worth hit hard. I guess I felt that more than I should have. Plus it's just unacceptable to stand someone up.

"Don't nag me semi semi~ I have my reasons." I say and hold my head up high. "I'm sure you do..." he says as he eyes me. "What? I do!" I say in defense. "I didn't say you didn't." he says with a sigh before walking off. "Is everything alright satori?" ushijima questions me. "Oh wakatoshi~" I sigh dramatically. "It will be." I state quietly.

"Let's begin!" our coach yells. We all rush into position and wait for the first serve. I saw the piss haired male switch positions with his twin mid air. Luckily I was correct and blocked his spike. He was speechless to say the least. I knew I was starting to piss him off. How can he act like nothing happened. He's acting all high and mighty even though he's not at all.

At this point in time I was playing at 120%. I was blocking like it was no one else's business. It came down to the last point. They had brought their captain in now. He hadn't played yet. It all happened so quickly, but he got the team their last point and they won.

I felt defeated. Sure we've lost to them before... In actual games. But this time it felt different to lose. Something I didn't quite understand. I felt a hand Pat my back. It was Ushijima. "Sigh, we've lost." I say in defeat. "It was only practice." he says, attempting to cheer me up, something he's not too good at. "It's alright Wakatoshi... I just wanted to crush him." I state, thinking out loud.

"Him?" he questions. "Piss hair." I state. "Why?" he asks, not knowing why I would want to crush only one in particular. "Oh it's nothing, I just feel more hate towards him than the others." I explain briefly. Ushijima nods his head.

The male starts to walk to me so I strut towards him, meeting half way. "Some block." he says and eyes me. "I noticed you coming after me?" he asks with a smirk. I squint my eyes and smirk back teasingly. "Of course. You should know what you did." my smirk dropped immediately as I spoke. He raises a brow at me.

"Oh don't act like you don't know~" I tease and pretend to be shocked with wide eyes. The male places his hands on his hips and raises a brow at me. "I heard you had a little date with our girls teams Captain." I say slowly, re jogging his memory. His eyes widened slightly. He must've not wanted anyone to know. "I just wanna know... Why did you stand her up?" I ask, intimidation leaking through every word.

He smirks and tries to regain his "confidence". "If you must know, she was just too boring for my taste." I lean forward and furrow my brows. "That's not an excuse to just ditch someone and then block them. You could have just told her you weren't interested!" I whisper shout at him, not wanting the others to hear since it wasn't my business to share.

Atsumu just shrugs his shoulders. "Whoops?" he smirks at me. "You are really testing me." I say as my fists start to ball up behind my back. "Oh yeah? What's it to you any ways?" he asks, raising a brow...

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