Chapter four

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"The Miya Atsumu, asked you out?" Akari asks in disbelief. "Yep." you say with a bored sigh. You didn't really feel anything special when he talked to you, but you needed a distraction. "He told me to meet up with him at this park at like 6 tomorrow." it's been about a week since that day. You've both been texting back and forth every so often after practice. But that's about it.

"What about Yukio?" she asks. "You heard him, we're just 'really good friends'." you place your head in your palm and sigh. "Plus this will be a good distraction." she nods her head in agreement.

"Wanna come over and help me pick something out to wear?" I ask. Akari frowns. "What's wrong?" I ask. "I have babysitting plans." she says with a pout. "That's fine." I say and give a sad smile. "You know l/n, I'd much rather help you out than be with them." she says and looks you straight in the eyes. "I know I know." You say with a small giggle.

"No seriously. You know I love kids, but I can't stand being around my siblings." she says with a serious tone. "I'm sure it'll be fine." you Pat her shoulder. "I know it will be, but those kids are a living devil when it comes to bed time." she looks at you with a frightened voice. You both start to laugh.

"A-ah ok." you say and take a deep breath. "What should I wear?" you ask, going back to the main topic. "Is it a casual date?" she asks. "I think so. I mean he didn't say anything about going somewhere fancy." you look through the messages. "Yeah, he just said to meet him at the park across from that ice cream shop at 6." you explain to her while reading the texts. "I'd say it's casual. Maybe he's taking you to get ice cream and chill at the park?" Akari guesses.

"Oh that'd be a chill first date." you say, almost as if you were bored. "Girl, why do you sound so depressed?" suddenly semi comes around the corner and spots you two. "Oh, hey girls." he says and sits in front of you and Akari. Akari waved back with a bit of hesitation and you just stared at him with a plain expression.

"What's going on?" he asks suspiciously. "L/n has a date tomorrow with none other than Miya Atsumu." she says with jazz hands. "What about..." he starts to trail off. "Yeah she said she needed a distraction." semi nods his head slowly.

"So what did I miss?" he asks. "Well right now I'm tryna figure out why she is depressed about this date." she explains. "I'm not depressed about it... It's just that-" you groan loudly and hit your head against the table lightly. "What's the date?" semi asks. "Well based on the location, we're guessing he's taking her to get ice cream then go chill at a park." semi looks at you confused.

"What's wrong with that?" he asks. You look up at him and stare into his eyes. "So. Boring~" you groan. "Boring?" both Akari and Semi say together. "I know right, a boring girl complaining about a boring date." you say with an eye roll. "But I'm tired of it! I want something exciting and fun!" you say and throw your hands up into the air.

"Exciting and fun~?" you sigh at the voice. "What the hell do you want?" you ask turning around to face the red haired male. "Ah ah, ya don't gotta be so rude~" Tendō teases. "I heard the words exciting and fun, and got intrigued." he explains. "It's none of your business." you state. "We're not friends." you finish and turn back around.

He pouts and slides next to semi. "But Semi Semi and I are~" he says with a smirk. You glare at the male. "Sadly." Semi mumbles. "So~ what are we talking about?" tendō asks with a smirk. "Well then." Akari says with a smirk. You glare at her. "What?" she says, pretending to be oblivious.

"Tendō, what's your perfect first date?" she asks the male, hoping to get something good out of him. "Eh? Are you asking me out~" he says with a smirk while he wiggles his eye brows. She blinks at him boredly. "Tendō..." she says with a 'you already know this' type of tone. "I like females." she says slowly as if he were a child.

"I know I know. So why ya asking me?" he asks curiously. "Just wondering." she says with a shrug. "Aish ok." he says and sits up straighter. "I'd say my perfect first date would be... Taking my date somewhere fun at night. Like laser tag or sneaking into an abandoned building. Then watching the stars while eating our favorite foods. But! Not just anywhere, that's boring.

I have this perfect spot I'd only take someone special. I don't want to give it away since it's a secret, but to get there is an adventure on its own. Let's just say it would be a long, but exciting, first date." he finishes with a content smile, thinking about all the fun him and his future partner would have.

You listened with stars in your eyes. You'd hate to admit it, but that really did sound amazing. Now you're even more upset about something as boring as ice cream and a park. What were they even supposed to do? Talk? About what? At least if it's an adventure there's no possibility of anything awkward and boring happening.

"So why did ya want to know?" he asks again. Obviously not wanting to drop the random question. Semi looks at you, you catch his eye and nod your head. Approving him to say it.

"Our y/n, has a date tomorrow and thinks it's gonna be boring." tendō raises his brows. "A date eh?" he teases. "Not that it's any of your business." you say with squinted eyes. "But isn't ice cream and chilling at a park sound absolutely boring?" you complain to them all once more.

"There is nothing boring about that!" tendō says in retaliation. "First of all, ice cream. Second of all, there's so many things to do at a park." he says. "Like what?" you ask. "Like the swings. Playing underdog. Seeing who can get higher. Then slide races. Seeing who can go down the slide in the weirdest or scariest way is a favorite. Playing the floor is lava with the platforms and much more!" he explains.

You never thought there was actually things to do. "I guess..." you sigh. "But seriously, isn't that just child's play?" you ask with a raised brow. "And?" he asks. You roll your eyes. "It doesn't matter how old you are. As long as you are with the right people, you can make anything fun." akari coughs. "Did tendō just say something intelligent?" she asks amazed. The table turns into a fit of laughter.

"Ya ya, laugh all ya want." he says and stands up. "I'm taking my leave. I hope ya date sucks." he says before walking away with a small chuckle. You take a deep breath and blink a few times. "I'll beat his ass." you say plainly. "Ah ah, calm down girl." Akari says and squeezes your shoulder.

"Want me to help ya pick something out for tomorrow?" Semi asks. You pretend to fake cry. "Yes! Oh mah God semi~ you have the best style." you feel relief wash over you. "Thank you semi~" you say with a long sigh. He hums in response.

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