Chapter fifteen

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You have come to terms with your new found crush. You weren't proud of falling for the enemy, but there wasn't any point in ignoring it. Although, trying to hide it would be difficult. Being mean to a crush? That didn't feel good. But if he hated you then driving him off with attitude wouldn't even matter.

But at the same time, he didn't seem like he hated you. Maybe he was pitying you? Your mind was all over the place. Now you're worried about him hating you.

"Hey y/n." Semi snapped you from your thoughts. "Huh?" you ask, snapping your head up. "Lunch ended." he states with a bored look. You get up and lazily walk to class, not bothering to stop by your locker.

During class you couldn't focus. Thankfully there wasn't any homework or else you'd be screwed. The bell rang and you went to your locker and grabbed your bag. It was time for practice.

"Yo." Akari said and walked up to you. She leaned against the other lockers as you shut yours. "Hey." you mumble. She doesn't know about your crush on tendō. Semi doesn't know either. It's just you, even if they guessed it, you didn't confess it to them.

"You good?" she asks. You nod your head and sigh. "It's been a long day." you reply. "Agreed." she says with a small chuckle. "Let's get going. Practice starts soon." you follow her down the Hall to the changing rooms.

"Heyy~" tendō calls out as you both walked into the gym after changing. You wave at him and turn your head to the side. Your face got red at just him greeting you, that's never happened with a crush before. Weird.

"Let's start stretching." you say and ignore the tall male. He brushes it off, as it's nothing new. "L/n!" Korin shouts excitedly as she bursts through the door. "Yes?" you ask as you stretch your arms. "I've been working on my serves. I think I'm getting the hang of it." her smile is extremely bright. She acts just like a child.

"That's good, you'll have to show me." you say calmly with a soft smile. She nods her head and rushes next to you to stretch. "Hey Korin..." you ask, curiosity evident in your voice. She hums in response. "do you like someone?" you ask as if it's normal.

"Wh-what!?" she gets embarrassed at the thought. "Sorry, was I too forward?" you apologize. She waves her hands in front of her face. "No no, I just wasn't expecting that." she says hurriedly. "So do you?" she looks around for a moment before nodding her head. "Are you gonna confess?" you ask.

"Hm, probably. But not right now." she says and goes back to stretching with a faint blush. "Why do you ask?" you look away this time and accidentally make eye contact with tendō. You turn back to Korin quickly. "Just curious." you mumble. Suddenly her eyes widen. "Do you like someone!?" she whisper shouts.

Your face turns red and she gasps. "You do!" she exclaims. You hush her and put your head down. "Are you scared of confessing?" she asks, getting the drift of why you asked. "I think he hates me." you mutter. "Why would anyone hate you?" She asks. "I mean... We are literally known as the schools enemies." you say quietly for only her to hear.

Of course she hadn't known who you were talking about since she was a first year. She just assumed you and tendō were competitive friends, not enemies.

"Oh, that does seem like a problem." she whispered back. "Wait, how come you like him if you're enemies?" she asks confused. "It's complicated." you say with slight sadness. She decides not to press the topic. "I see..." she says quietly.

"Ok! Let's get started!" your coaches yell.
"L/n, I was wondering if you'd like to go out on a study date tonight?" you stare at the white haired male and try not to look disappointed. Practice just ended and he came out of no where.

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