Chapter two

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"We'll all be getting our new uniforms in a couple weeks. I want everyone to pay attention to each other so at the end of this week, we can choose our new Captain." your coach explains briefly before letting everyone warm up. You go to the middle of the gym and sit with one of the first years. "Hey there." you say with a warm smile. "Hi!" she says excitedly. "Ah, not a shy one?" you ask with a small laugh. "Nope! I'm just excited to start playing." she tells you while reaching both hands down to touch her left foot. "That's good to hear." you say, doing the same.

"I'm l/n y/n, one of the third years." you reach your hand out for her to shake. She takes it happily with a smile. "I'm korin." she responds. "Just come to me if you need anything." korin nods her head and goes back to stretching, you do the same.

"Alright girls, I hope you've stretched enough cause we're about to start." the coach announces. The girl beside you starts to get real energetic and excited. You can tell she's going to be a bit of a handful this year.

"Let's start with our serves and then we'll do a practice match for fun. Have a good first practice yeah?" the coach says happily. You all line up on a line on one side of the gym. Each of you get handed a ball by your manager. You give a small bow as he handed the ball to you. "Thanks." you mumble. He gave back a small smile in return.

Akari nudges you with her elbow from the side. She smirks at you. So you may have a small crush on your manager. He's a third year as well and has been the manager since his first year. It wasn't until around your second year you developed a tiny crush on the cute boy.

You give a side glare to Akari and roll your eyes. It's not too obvious you like him. Thankfully you can hide your feelings well. "Ok, you may start." the coach says once everyone seems ready. You spin the ball quickly in your hands three times before tossing it into the air and running forward slightly. You jump into the air and arch your back perfectly. The ball makes contact with your hand and slams down across the court all in a split second. Setting wasn't your only specialty.
"Let's go to the cafeeee~" Akari pleads. After practice you and her decided to walk home together. On the way there she spotted a small cafe about a block away. "I didn't bring any money." you say, looking ahead. "I'll pay!" she says happily. "I can't let you do that." you say and wave a hand at her. "I insist. Plus if it means that much, just pay me back tomorrow." you roll your eyes knowing she won't take the money back. "Ya ya." you sigh lightly.

"Yesss!" she grabs your wrist and drags you along the sidewalk. The smell of coffee and sweets hits you as soon as the door opens with a little ting from the bell. "Afternoon ladies." a male at the counter says towards us. We give a small wave. "What can I get you?" he asks us as we make way to him. "I'll get... A caramel macchiato and two cake pops." Akari orders with a smile.

The male types the order in and then looks at you. "I'll just get water... And a small bag of licorice sticks." you say, spotting the treats. "Just water?" Akari asks with disappointment. "Yep." you say, popping the 'p'. "Ok is that all?" the male asks. You both nod your heads. He grabs a small bag of red licorice and places it on the counter since it was in reaching distance. "That'll be six dollars." Akari hands over the money. The male calls out your order to a barista.

"Let's go take a seat." Akari says as she points to a small table near where you pick the drinks up at. "Alrighty then." you whisper and take a seat. Soon enough the order is called and you both get your things and go back to your seat. "Well then... Enjoy your water and licorice." she says before taking a bite out of one of the cake pops.

You take a piece of licorice out and bite the ends off of each side. You open the bottle and stick the stick into your drink. Make shift candy straw. "Oh Lord." Akari states with a groan. "Hm?" you hum in question. "Oh nothing." she says and looks behind you. She's such a terrible liar.

You turn your head to the door and see tendō and Ushijima walk in. You take a sip from the licorice to keep your mouth shut. "Oi?" tendō mutters to himself as he places his eyes on you. You keep your head turned away from him.

"What can I get you two?" you hear the voice of the cashier. "Water and a hot chocolate." tendō says happily. "Coming right up."

"What's this?" tendō says in a teasing tone. You sigh and turn around. "Do you need something?" you ask annoyed. "No, no." he eyes the licorice straw and chuckles to himself. "Our drinks are ready." Ushijima mentions as he walks over to us. He hands tendō his hot chocolate and keeps his bored gaze straight ahead.

"Hm, alright then." tendō mumbles before he and Ushijima walk out together. "That went better than expected." Akari says with a sigh. "Hm?" you hum. "Well I mean, you two didn't argue. Maybe you're finally maturing." she says while crossing her arms. "What? I've always been mature!" you complain. "Yeah, except for that thing with the guess monster." she mutters. "I'mma win. Just watch." you say proudly.

"Ya ya." she says and rolls her eyes. "Now let's go, we got morning practice tomorrow." You groan slightly as you stand up. "Fine fine."

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