Chapter nine

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"Ok girls, we have to go practice with the boys today. Our gym... As you can see..." the coach trails off while motioning to a hole in the middle of the floor. "How did this happen?" you ask. "Honestly, I have no idea." the coach says and shakes her head. "That's insane!" Korin shouts with her hands slapped against her face, squishing her cheeks together.

"The boys coach agreed to let us practice with them. So just get changed quickly and we'll meet up there until further notice." she tells you all. You walk over to the hole and sigh. "What the-" you turn your head to see Yukio. It still slightly pained your heart to see him. "I know right..." you mumble. "What happened?" he asks, walking over to you. "Nobody knows." you say and start to head for the door. "We'll be practicing with the boys for now. I'll see ya there." he nods his head and you run off to change.

You and the girls walk into the boys gym together and stand patiently for them to notice you. You watched them practice and saw Tendōs guess block in action. It was actually so cool, but you'd never admit it. Suddenly your eyes meet, but only for a second before his focus is back onto where the ball landed.

Soon they stopped an rushed over to greet you all. "L/n, let's discuss." Ushijima says to you. You nod and walk over with him to the benches. You were both the captains and needed to sort out how practice was going to go.

"Well, you boys have two courts. So I think it's fair if the girls take one side and the boys get the other." you state, motioning towards the seperate courts. "Agreed." he says in monotone with a small head nod. "Ok, what else?" you ask. He thinks for a moment before you see a certain red head come over. "We should do a match against the girls~" he says happily.

You and ushijima look at each other. You shrug your shoulders. "I don't see why not." you state. Ushijima looks back at tendō and nods his head. "But for now we let the girls warm up." he says and walks off. "I'll apologize in advance." tendō says with a pretend sad face. You raise an eyebrow. "It's nothing personal... Oh wait, but it is." he says and bends down to your eye level. "I'm going to crush you." you look him in the eyes and scoff.

"Wanna bet?" you ask. He smirks. "Bet." he states. "Oh it's on." you say. "It's been on for three years dear l/n." he says before standing tall. You push a finger against his chest. "You're lucky I believe in fair fights. Or else I'd hit you where it hurts." Of course you'd never actually hurt him like that, but threatening him was still an option.

"Ya know captain, you aren't acting very professional." he whispers as everyone stares at you. The third years though, give a bored look since they're used to this already. You back away and cough a couple of times. "Right..." you mumble. "Alright girls, let's get stretching!" you shout. You lead them over to the extra court and begin.
You see the ball coming towards you and decide in a matter of seconds to who you'll set to. They were going for a fake out. You looked at three girls running towards the net, all believing they'd get the ball.

The ball touches your fingers and the math runs through your head quickly and you bounce the ball into the air, perfectly hitting your ace's hand as she slams the ball down. Your team scores the point.

Now, it's your turn to serve. You spin the ball three times in your hands before throwing it up and running slightly. You jump into the air with a perfect arch of your back. You make contact with the ball and use all your force to hit it across the court.

The ball hits inside the court right beside the white line, shocking the boys. "What? Have you never seen us play?" you ask with a fake surprised tone. Tendōs wide eyes disappear as he shakes his head for a few seconds.

"Let me guess, it was all sTrAtEgY~" he mocks. You roll your eyes. "Of course it is. You can't just rely on instincts for everything." you say as the ball gets rolled back over to you. "Hm, actually... You can." he says and places a finger on his chin. "I beg to differ." you say and squint your eyes. "Go on then. Beg." he states confidently, a smirk growing on his lips.

The air was knocked out of your lungs. "Did he just-" you think to yourself. You stood in slight shock before Akari hit you upside the head. "Stop flirting and serve the damn ball!" you glare at her. "I was not!" you huff under your breath.

You shake the thoughts out of your head and go up to serve once more. --- the boys won the second set, meaning it was a tie. "That's all we have time for today!" your coaches yell. You let out a few pants and wipe the sweat away from your forhead.

"Good game girls!" you call out. "Hey Korin!" you shout to the small girl, waving for her to come over. She had a small pout on her face. "Yes captain?" she said a bit sadly. "What's wrong?" you ask. "It's... nothing." she says and rubs the side of her arms while looking to the side. "I won't push the topic, but is there anything I can do?" she hesitantly nods her head. "Will you set to me?" she asks, stars forming in her eyes.

You give her a soft smile. "Is that why you're upset? I didn't set to you a lot?" you ask. She gets covered in red and denies the accusation. "Don't be silly captain!" she says. "It's ok Korin, I just think we need to practice together more before I set to you so much. I need to get a jist of how you spike." you explain to the girl she beems happily. "Thank you!" she gives you a big hug before running off. "You're...welcome." you reply with a small chuckle.

"You're lucky I'm injured." tendō says out of no where. "Is that just your excuse for not winning?" you tease. "You didn't win either." he states, pointing to the score. "We definitely would have." you retaliate. "Sure~" he teases. "You know, it's not my fault. You're the one who got into a fight." he looks away and sighs. "Is it though?" he mumbles, loud enough for only him to hear. "L/n, we need to discuss our practice match for tomorrow." Yukio says as he walks up to you.

He takes a look at tendō, before putting his attention back on you. "Sure." you state simply, not in the mood to talk. "I asked if we could hold the match there, due to the current situation." he starts. You motion for him to go on. "They said yes. So everyone needs to meet up here ten minutes before class ends and be ready by the time to leave." he explains. You nod your head and walk over to the girls and tell them the plans for tomorrow.

"Who are they playing?" tendō asks no one. "Aoba Johsai." Yukio states, scaring tendō. "Jesus where did you come from!?" he says in an almost shout. "I have a question." the white haired male says. Tendō eyes him but tells him to continue. "Does l/n have a boyfriend?" tendōs jaw slightly clenches but he ignores it. "We aren't friends, how would I know?" he says quite rudely.

"Sorry. It's just that you two spend a lot of time together, so I was just asking." Yukio scratches the back of his neck. "First off, no we don't, and second off, we are enemies." tendō puts one finger in the air, then two, representing each statement. "I know, but I just thought since you guys spend so much time arguing she might have said sum." tendō rolls his eyes. "Why do you even care? Do you like her~" he teases.

A faint blush appears on the boys face. "Oh, you do!" Yukio looks away and coughs. "Maybe a little." he mumbles. "Aish." tendō huffs. "She's had a tough time lately. First her crush unknowingly rejects her and then she was stood up. Is this really such a good idea? Then again it's also none of my concern..." he contemplates in his head before coming to a decision.

"But yeah, she's single." he states. Yukio smiles a bit before saying a small "thanks." and walking off. "No problemo~" tendō sighs out.

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