Chapter three

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"Hey l/n." you wave slightly at the male with a blush. "Hey Yukio." you say to the white haired male. "Am I early?" you ask, looking around. He seemed to have just got here as well. "A bit. I've just unlocked the gym." he says, jingling a pair of keys. You bite your bottom lip nervously. "I-I'll help you set up then." you give him a smile, in which he returns. "You don't have too." he waves his hands in front of his face. "I insist." he sighs and looks inside the empty gym. "Alright." he motions for you to follow.

"So why are you here so early? Not that it's a bad thing!" Yukio asks, trying not to seem rude. "Well, today we get our new uniforms so I guess I was a bit excited." you explain briefly. Yes, that time has finally came.

"You know the coach isn't handing them out until after school practice right?" he asks. You sweat drop and let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah... I know." you rub the back of your neck.

"Oi!" you both turn your heads to see a first year. "Ah hey Korin." you wave to the small girl. "L/n! Can you help me with serves!?" she asks, jumping up and down slightly. She'd most likely end up as a starter. "Sure thing." you smile and she runs over.
"Alrighty then!" Akari says as she sits down at the lunch table. "What's on today's agenda?" she asks. "Haven't you heard?" Shirabu asks with a teasing smirk. Akari cocks her head to the side. "Our favorite couple is going at each other."

Semi, Shirabu, and Akari all have a secret inside joke. They believe that you and tendō are just secretly in love with each other. Of course that may not be the case, but they all agree that there is some... Tension... If you know what I mean.

"Is she seriously skipping lunch for that?" Akari asks. "Yep. We were waiting for you before we headed down to the outside courts." Semi says with a small sigh. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Goshiki says, coming out of no where. They all look at each other then at the small first year, then back to one another before following him out.

Once they all made it down there, they could already hear the yelling. "Ha! Take that!" you yelled at the red haired male as you slammed the ball down. He smirks before blocking your next attack. "You were saying?" he teases.

It kept going until the three broke it up. "Ok OK! That's enough for today!" Akari calls out. "You need that energy for when we celebrate." she mentions. "Celebrate?" you and tendō say in sync. You glare at each other for a moment. "Yeah! You know Captain~" you blush in embarrassment. "We don't know that yet." you say and wave the idea off.

"L/n? As Captain?" tendō says wide eyes before breaking into a fit of laughter. "What? Think I can't do it?" you ask, getting upset about being underestimated. "Come on, you tryna make a joke of this school?" he can't stop laughing so it comes out in small chunks.

"At least I'm being nominated as Captain. That's more than you can say." you retort back. "Of course I'm not. Wakatoshi is made to be captain. That's more than you can say~" he teases back. You both go Into an intense staring contest.

Semi breaks you two up and pulls you along inside. "What is with that guy? Always underestimating me!" you complain. "Ok, class time." he says, pushing you towards a classroom.
"It's time to hand out your uniforms!" the coach calls out. You were nervously playing with your fingers. Name by name was called until you finally heard yours. "L/n y/n." she called out. You jumped up from the ground and walked over.

She handed you it with a small smile. You looked at the beautiful shade of purple and white. Imprinted on the top was your lucky number 3 with a line under it. The tears immediately began to slip from your eyes.

You heard the cheering of the others along with clapping. They all rushed over and gave you a big group hug. "Let's celebrate!" the girls yell happily. The couch decided to hand out the uniforms at the end of practice for suspense, but she'd never admit that.

"Where should we go?" you ask. "You choose!" Korin shouts. You shush her slightly since you were all still in the gym. She bows apologeticlly. "Nothing fancy." you state. "Let's go get some BBQ!" the team shouts in happiness and agrees quickly.
"We're here~" one of the girls say. A few of them are already drooling. Soon enough we're seated and handed a couple of menu's. "Ok, order whatever you like. It's on me~" the coach says proudly. Although she'll probably regret that.

After your order has been taken you turn to Yukio who was reluctant to come since he was only the manager. "Congratulations... Captain." he says with a wink. You blush slightly and wave it off. "Ah, I couldn't do it without everyone!" you say happily. "Especially without the best manager." you say with confidence.

He laughs nervously and thanks you. "Why don't you two just go on a date already?" one of the girls says, pointing at you and Yukio. Your face burns bright red and you laugh it off. "We're just good friends." Yukio says, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yep..." you mumble.

You could feel your heart slightly break. You got shot down before you could even confess. Damn that's terrible. Akari looks at you with sympathy. "Just friends..." you whisper, looking down. "I'll be right back!" you say cheerfully, hiding the fact that you were actually quite upset. More than you should have been.

"You ok?" Korin asks. "Yep! I'm just gonna powder my nose." you walk towards the bathroom but take a turn towards the exit. Thankfully your table was in the back so you got out unnoticed. Well almost...

You ran into someone. "Ah, shit." you say, rubbing your nose. "Oh I'm sorry!" a voice says, a bit worried. "It's fine." you mumble. You look up at the voice. It was a male. "Do you go to shiratorizawa?" the male asks. You give him a confused look. He points at the tracksuit. "Aha, I do." you say embarrassed.

"I'm on the girls volleyball team. You?" you ask, noticing the male is also wearing a school uniform. "I go to Inarizaki." you take a better look at the guy. "Hey, you're one of the twins." you say in realization. "Sorry, I actually don't know your name." you say in embarrassment.

"You don't?" he asks. You shake your head no. "I'm Miya Atsumu." he reaches his hand out for you to shake. You hesitantly take it. "L/n Y/n." you reply before taking your hand back from his grip. "I know this is sudden, but would you want to go out sometime?" he asks. Your eyes widen. "It's not everyday I meet someone who doesn't quite know me."

You dwell on the idea for a moment. "Sure why not?" you say, hoping it'll help you get over Yukio since he clearly doesn't see you in that way. "Great. Here's my number." he hands you a slip of paper. You type it into your phone and shoot him a quick text. "There, now you have mine." you give him a small smile.

"Catch ya later!" he says and walks off. You take a deep breath and sigh. "What the fuck am I doing?" you ask yourself. After a bit, you head back inside.

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