Chapter eight

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You munch on some licorice from the vending machine and stare at the wall blankly. "Hey y/n." you snap into reality and see Semi standing next to you with a blank gaze. "Hey semi, I have a question." you ask. "What is it?" he asks. "Did y'alls match drag on or something?" he furrows his brows for a moment. " you could say that." he states simply.

"Ah ok. Just wondering since you texted me to leave first." Semi nods his head. "Have you..." As semi started conversation you noticed a bruised and bandaged red headed male walk through the school gates. He caught your eye and you called out to him.

"Ya! What happened to you?" you ask. He walks over closer and semi watches with curiosity. "Take a guess." he says with a small smirk. You place a hand on your chin and look him up and down. You noticed his hands are bandaged more than usual and his bottom lip is busted. He also had bandaids all over his face. "I'd say you got into a fight tendō." you state simply.

"Wow was it that obvious?" he asks teasing you. "Har har." you roll your eyes. "This isn't acceptable." you say and shake your head. Tendō tilts his head. "How am I supposed to win fairly if you are injured?" you say with a fake tone. "Oh? You think you can beat me." he asks with a raised brow. "Think? I know I can." you smirk and walk up closer to him. He looks down on you.

"Try me." you state. He chuckles and pats your head. "Don't get ahead of yourself." he says before walking off. "Do not touch me!" you shout. You huff and watch him walk off. "How rude!" you complain. "Semi hold me back, I'mma hurt him." semi places a hand on your shoulder and sighs. "Hate to say it, but let this one go y/n." he says and walks off, leaving you alone.

"Ok what the fuck happened yesterday??" you think to yourself with a stunned facial expression. It was unlike Semi to take Tendō's side and you knew he likes to taunt the others, but never has he gotten into a fight. Something was off about this whole thing.

The bell rang, breaking you from your thoughts. "Shit." you mumble before shoving your last licorice stick into your mouth and booking it to class. You refused to be late, that is just another opportunity for failure.

You made it with a few minutes to spare. You heard a few of your classmates talking. You didn't meant to listen in, it just happened. "Yeah, apparently he got into it with that Miya twin during a practice." one of the girls said. "Where did you hear that from?" a boy asks. "I overheared the coaches scolding tendō." the same girl said with a slight surprised tone.

"That's just the monster for you." the second girl said with a small chuckle. Something about that didn't sit right with you. "Hey!" You say to them. They look at you with slight shock. "Y-yes?" the shy boy squeaks out. "It's not nice to call someone a monster." You say with furrowed brows. "But it's true." the girl says. You look at her with a hidden face of disgust. "It's not. You don't even know him so what gives you the right to judge him? Just cause you hear stupid things doesn't mean you can just go around and say whatever you feel like." you scold the three.

"But l/n, we all know about yours and his feud. How come you of all people are standing up for him?" a nosey classmate butts in. You stand up and glare at her. "We may have a feud, but that doesn't mean I'm going to treat him as if he's any less human. Having a feud, doesn't give any excuse for me to act like a bitch and call him names behind his back. So think twice before you speak. Words hurt more than you'd realize."

The students stare at you in surprise and all go quiet. Some open their mouths to speak but just close them, as no words come out. You glare at them before sitting back down gracefully. Thankfully the teacher walked in a few seconds later. You weren't one to speak up like that in class. Usually you would just ignore the rumors. You especially weren't one to stand up in front of your whole class and curse. You did feel a bit embarrassed but you couldn't just let them sit there and call him that.

During that night, you learned a lesson, a big one. Even if it's as simple as one word, it can cut deeper than a thousand knives; and you weren't even the one being told anything. The way his eyes immediately darkened and stopped glistening hurt surprisingly bad. Even if he was your enemy, that doesn't mean you were just gonna let that slide. He was still human after all. Also... it scared you when that single word triggered him. You didn't want to see that ever again.

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