Chapter eleven

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"Hey Korin, is it ok if you stay for a while longer?" you ask the small girl. Practice has ended and you wanted to finally work with her. "Of course!" she says excitedly. "Great! I want to practice setting for you. This way you can also work on your spike." you explain.

She jumps in the air. "Yes! Finally!" she shouts. You shush her with a small giggle. Damn this child has energy. "Want a blocker~?" you groan but Korin gasps. "Yes!" she says getting ready and picking the balls up. "Really tendō?" you ask annoyed.

"Whaaat? She'll never get better unless she practices her spikes against a blocker, especially one as talented as me." he says and wiggles his eyebrows. "Whatever, fine." you say with a sigh. You smile at Korin as she does a few stretches. You remember when you used to get so happy over extra practice.

"I see you're feeling better." tendō mumbles in a familiar tone. You look up at him confused. "Yeah I guess so." you reply with caution. "Did you think I didn't notice you crying at lunch?" he asks. Your eyes widen slightly. "How did you know?" you ask slightly getting mad for some reason. "I've had my fair share." he states simply and puts his hands inside his hoodie pocket.

"I was hoping you'd be better by practice. Like you say, 'it's no fair if one of us isn't in tip top shape!'" he says, mimicking your voice. "I do not sound like that." you state, crossing your arms. "Uh, yes you do." he says. "No I don't." you state. "No I don't~" he mimics.

"Are we gonna start?" Korin calls out. You Huff and tendō smirks. "Yeah!" you say and walk to her. Tendō slips his hoodie off and gets on the opposite side of the court.
"I'm home." you mumble, taking your shoes off. "Y/n!" your grandma says happily. "How was practice dear?" she asks. "It was good. I was helping one of the first years; that's why I'm later than usual." you explain with a small smile. "Oh that's ok! I bet you did amazing with her." she says, her eyes going into crescents.

"It would have been better if tendō wasn't there." you complain under your breath. Yes, even your grandma knew of this feud. How could she not when you've been complaining ever since day one?

"Sometimes your enemy will end up being the one who understands you the most." she reminds you for the umpteenth time. "Ya ya, whatever you say." you grumble.

"Now, what do you want for dinner?" she asks. "I'm fine with anything." you reply. "Good cause I don't feel like cooking." she says with a small chuckle. "Let's order out." she suggests. Sometimes you swear you have the best grandma ever. "Whatever you want grandma." you say with an amused sigh.

It was only you and her. Sadly, your parents abandoned you. The worst part is, you were 13 at the time. They decided they didn't want a child, they never did. They wanted to travel and you were supposedly keeping them back. So they dropped you off with your mother's momma and ever since then you've been with her.

You didn't like talking about since it all happened too soon. Why they decided to leave when you were 13 and not put you up for adoption as a baby instead was still a mystery. It's not like you were poor and they couldn't afford to have you, actually they were very comfortable. You weren't a bad child, you were very well behaved. But the signs were there, they didn't want to spend time with you, they didn't acknowledge you hardly at all. You tried to do anything to impress them, get their attention. But nothing worked. School was your go to. You'd study so hard to make sure to get the best grades and have the best projects in order to be enough for them. But nothing was ever enough.

They didn't harm you. They just neglected your existence. But 13 year old you didn't know that. That was your normal, you didn't understand what was happening for the longest time. But after they just randomly left and never came back your grandma put you through therapy. It helped a lot, you stopped blaming yourself for the incident. But sometimes you break down when things get tough and the thought of it being your fault does cross your mind sadly. You know it's not, but it still hurts of course.

"Y/n, do you want the usual?" your grandma asks. You break away from the tv and nod your head. "Thanks grandma." you whisper shout as the (favorite food place) employee picked up. She gives you a smile before telling the person what you both wanted.

"Ok, I got it all ordered." she said with a smile. "Is Akari still coming?" she asked. You nod your head and as if on cue the door flies open. "I'm here~" she calls out in sing song. "Akari." your grandma says and opens her arms up. "G/n!" she says in the same tone and goes in for the hug.

Sometimes you swear Akari comes over just for your grandma. "Oh don't be jelly l/n~" Akari teases. "I'm not, trust me." you say. You'd never admit you were in fact, a bit jealous. She was your favorite person in the whole wide world.

"I ordered your favorite." she tells Akari. "Oh you're the best g/n!" Akari says dramatically. "Of course dear." she says happily before going into the kitchen. "For real though, best grandma award goes to her." akari says seriously. "Obviously." you state, joking around but being completely serious at the same time.

"Sorry I couldn't be here sooner, I had to wait for my parents to get off of work." you wave it off. "It's fine, I understand." today was a Friday meaning, Akaris parents didn't get off until 8pm.

Suddenly your phone beeps. "Huh?" you say and pick it up. "Who is it?" Akari asks curiously. "Bih- pinch me." you state. She reaches over and pinches you. You glare at her before opening the message. "You told me too." she mutters. "Not the point! Guess who texted me!" you said excitedly. "Who?!" she says back but with more energy.

"Yukio~" you say with a sigh. "Aren't you tryna get over him?" she asks. "Well I was. But then his little action to cheer me up gave me hope." she gives you a weary smile. "Ok..." she says. "What's he want?" she asks. "Let me ask." you text him back and say "what's up?"

You drop your phone and your jaw drops. Akari gasps at your reaction. "He didnt-" she covers her mouth. "He did!" you shout. You both scream. He asked you out.

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