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You, LLENN, and Fuka were inside the dome. LLENN walked ahead to see if she could spot any enemies since she was short.

LLENN (radio): Raijin, Fuka, I advanced 100 meters. No sign of the enemy.

Raijin: Roger. We'll catch up with you.

Fuka: I never thought there'd be a savana in this dome.

Raijin: Yeah. But for you guys it's an advantage.

Fuka: What about you?

Raijin: I'm doing my best. You guys are small so I have to struggle keeping myself down here.

LLENN: If only you got to be a cute little kid like us.

Raijin: Sure. But where are we now?

LLENN: We're halfway there. But MMTM are not far same as SHINC.

Fuka: But there are three teams in the dome.

LLENN: I know. Maybe this is where I lost my reputation as a "lucky girl."

Suddenly there was gunfire.

Raijin: Gunfire coming from the left. I see, what they're doing. It's a trap.

LLENN: How do you know?

Raijin: Look at the scanner.

Fuka: They didn't move.

Raijin: They're trying to draw one of us out of hiding.

LLENN: No, I think they're working together.

Raijin: (smiles) Good. I love a good fight.

LLENN: Raijin, you remind me of Pito.

Raijin: I do? I guess.

LLENN: All right I'm gonna go ahead. Fuka, give me another Bullet Line.

Fuka: Okay.

LLENN crawls ahead as Fuka puts her finger on the trigger and the Bullet Line goes past LLENN.

LLENN (radio): Fuka, subtract 30 meters and fire!

Fuka: Roger!

Fuka shoots the grenade launcher and it explodes in the distance. Then there was gunfire.

Raijin: LLENN, you okay?

LLENN (radio): I'm okay, but unfortunately, the enemy found me! I went through a magazine! I took down four of them, but now I only have 700 bullets left!

Fuka: Gotcha.

LLENN (radio): Can you two make it here?

Raijin: Yeah.

You and Fuka stand up to see a lot of Bullet Lines at you and her. Fuka quickly goes back down as you took out your Photon Sword to deflect their bullets.

Fuka: They're shooting at us!

LLENN (radio): Huh?!

Fuka: We're surrounded!

LLENN (radio): Fuka, let's do that thing!

Fuka: Okay.

LLENN (radio): Shoot above you!

Fuka shoots in the air and the grenades explode turning into pink smoke. You quickly laid back down next to Fuka. Since it was LLENN's turn to get in the action.

LLENN would run around in the pink smoke killing the enemy players in a flash before they even knew she was there. Fuka kept shooting smoke to keep LLENN covered.

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