Episode 2: The Start Of A New Life

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Hope POV

"I can't believe I have another sibling. I have to take him to see dad," said Hope. I walked to Klaus's room and tell him to come with me. We quietly sneak out of the school and go to the mansion. We knock on the door. Our aunt Rebekah opens the door with a surprised look n her face. "KLAUS," she yells. "Your s-son is back." Klaus barges to the door and sees his son standing at the door. "NJ?" "NJ replies with, "YEP." 

Niklaus Sr. POV

I invite my daughter and son in. I gave him a present with my mother's grimoire in it. "Thanks Dad," says NJ. After a while, I showed him his room in the house. Then we went outside and started bonding. We come across this weird man standing in the street.

Niklaus Jr. POV

The Man just stood there weirdly. I politely ask him if he is lost. After I ask him, he uses vampire speed and runs up to me trying to bite me. I quickly pain inflict him. While pain inflicting him, i start walking slowly walk towards him. Once I got close to him, I used a heart extraction spell.

"Delfan Eoten Cor. Delfan Eoten Cor. Delfan Eoten Cor. Delfan Eoten Cor."

His heart startes coming out of his chest.  After repeating the chant, we saw the vampire's heart on the ground.

5 Years later

Niklaus Jr. POV

I get out of bed and start going towards the bathroom. I take off my cloths and get in the shower. Once I get out I put on my uniform and brush my teeth. I go down stairs and see my dad with a person bleed on neck. He told me it was time for my first feed. I couldn't resist the smell. I ran and started feeding on the human. I nearly drained her. I quickly feed her my blood and compelled her to forget it all. " I see you learned how to compel," said Niklaus Sr. I replied with, "It's the oldest trick in the book." I start heading to school with Hope, Grace, Charles, Luna, and Oliver and my other cousins. On our way there a gang of witches, vampires, and wolves block our way. They tried to threaten us. "Get out of our way," I said. "Or what," they replied. I used y vampire speed and ran behind a vampire and broke his arm. The other vampire growl at me. "Any one else want some," I said. Another vampire rush towards me. Because I was an Original, I was faster and was fast enough to catch him and throw him at a tree. While I was distracted, one of the wolves went for my youngest cousin, Kyen. I quickly rush over to him and used my elbow to hit him in the face. I told all of my cousins and siblings to hurry and get to the school. After they left I start attacking the rest of the gang. Once I was finished with them I headed towards the school. My best friend, MG asks what took my so long. "I was going up against a gang of witches wolves and vampires." After class I talked to a girl named Addison. She was a siphoner witch. "So, would you like to go out with me?" "Sure," she replied. "I'll pick you up at 8" After school ended, I went home to freshen up for my date. I didn't have a car so I asked my dad If we could go to the dealership. We went to dealership with Telsa cars. I compelled one of the employees to give me the car. I drove back to the house to put on my outfit. Once I was done, I went to Addison's house. "Nice car," said Addison. She got in the car and we headed towards the movie theater. We didn't have tickets so I had to compel the worker. We started watching the movie. While we were in the middle of the movie, the lights and screen turned off. I heard Addison scream and the lights turned on. Her stomach was bleeding. I quickly fed her my blood so she healed. We hurried and got out of the theater. While we were heading towards the car, a man stabs her in the heart and staked me in the heart. I woke up a few minutes later. I saw Addison dead on the ground. "NO NO NO NO!" I held her in my hands sobbing. After and a few minutes she woke up. " Am I?" I Replied," I'm afraid so." She was in transition. She was about to become a heretic. They quickly rushed to the hospital and found blood bags in the storage. she drank one of them and completed her transition. After leaving the hospital, I dropped her off at her house. I went back home angry. When I went to bed had visions of who stabbed Addison. I found out that it was one of the Vampires from the gang I fought the other morning. The next morning, I woke up angry. I showered and got ready for school. My siblings and cousin walked out the door with me. The Gang came back and started talking about Addison. I told my siblings and cousin to go without me. Right after they left, I shut my humanity off. I rushed of to the witch and drained her. Then and snapped all the wolves. I ripped the hearts of the vampires.

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