Episode 12: Dark Nik

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---- I know the GIF isn't Nik but just imagine it----

Grace POV

"Welp he's gone," I say trying t fix the mood. "Please don't," Hope says. We walk out of the basement and find Nik entering his room. "Lizzie, Josie, can one of you get close enough to siphon Nik," I ask them. "And Take that magic, I'll pass," Lizzie says folding her arms. "I'll do it," Josie says.


I pull out an old grimoire and sit it on the ground. I hear knock from the door then answer it. It was Josie. "Hey Jo, why are you here." 

"Oh nothing," She says. She looks beside me and sees the grimoire. "Why do you have a grimoire out," She says to me. "To find a way to kill those little siblings of mine because there is no white oak," I say to her. 

I turn around and walk towards the book. I feel a touch on my shoulder then feel magic leaving my body. I look on my shoulder and see Josie siphoning me.  

I push her shoulder off of me and pin her against the wall with magic. I walk up to her slowly and grab her neck, pushing her up the wall while choking her. 

"Nik stop please," she says as she could barely breath. "You will not refer to me as Nik, from now on, you call me either Klaus or Niklaus," I say. "Now go before I turn you into a monster," I say letting her go. 

"What do you mean, turn me into a monster," she says scared. I bite my wrist and look back at her. "You wanna find out," I say while smiling a bit. Josie quickly leave out of my room and runs down the hall to the others. 

I walk out of the room and face them. "Hey guys," I say to them. "Hey Brianna, this is for what you did to me," I say looking at her. My eyes turn dark purple and her neck snaps, leaving her dead. "Bri, noo no no," Grace says kneeling down, shaking her. 

"Oh hey MG, still being used as a power source I see," I say to him as I see the twins siphoning him. "You're probably gonna have to feed soon MG, you're gonna end up desiccating. And we know what'll happen when you feed," I say smiling. 

He rushes at me with vampire speed but I flick my hand, throwing him at a wall. "Not enough strength I see, probably from all the siphoning," I say. 

I ball up my hand making everyone start screaming from head pain. "Aww, it'll be over soon Hope. Literally," I say walking pass them.

Hope's POV


"He's stronger than Josie was. How do we defeat him?" "I don't know, but we need to think fast," KaNyla says. "Maybe me and Grace need to do this alone," I say. 

"What about your brother Charles," Lizzie says. "He's definitely not helping us. He can't even use his magic good," Grace says rolling her eyes. 

Josie eyes open up a bit more, she had to have an idea. "What if, I bring back my dark side and fight like that." "OK sure but we'll have 2 problems then. 

How will we bring you back, and how will you be able to fight him when he has that much magic." "We could channel each other, but I don't know how we'll bring my real self back," She says. "Well, we could try it," MG says.


Josie sits on the ground and starts chanting. After she stops, she falls back. "OMG," Lizzie says pointing to her. Her eyes turn black and she sits up. 

"Hey guys, brought me back," Dark Josie says. "We need your help," I say to her. "Oh I already know, I'm kinda up in her head," she says back. 

"Now channel me, because there is no way Im letting another dark side be more powerful than me," she says with a smile.


Im loving this this part of the story, hope you guys are too

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