Episode 11: We Secretly Do It Anyways pt.2

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Nik's POV

I wake up after having my body consume dark magic. "How do I get out of here," I say to myself. I could get out of here, but someone would have stay here for me to leave. I walk out of the the house and go into Damon's old car. 

"irresponsible, he left the car keys in," I say kinda happy. I turn on the car and drive down the road. "Wait, I could jump into the Malivore pit," I say turning the car around. Once getting towards the pit, I jump in, slowly sinking into the mud. 

I wake up back in the real world and get out of the mud. I stop my a hotel to shower. I go inside and go towards the front office desk. 

"Excuse me, could I get a room please," I say the lady. "Sure, how long," She says in the sweetest voice. "Just a day please," I say to her. "that'll be 25 dollars please," she says. 

I give the money and get the key to my room. I go into my room and enter the bathroom. I take a quick shower and head towards the school again. 

I was gonna have to take the bus because my car crashed because of Addison and the whole Halloween party thing.

After getting to the school, I knock on the doors. I door opens, revealing Dr. Saltzman's face. "Hey Dr. Saltzman, sorry I wasn't here the whole day, I got trapped in a prison world," I say. "I'm sorry, but do I know you," He says.

----Time skip----

"I remember Josie using a spell to bring back memories of Hope. I wanna do that spell to bring back your memories," I say to all of them. Everyone takes a chair and sits down. "Harae-tamai Kioku. Yomigaerashi-tamae," I say as we all pass out.

A couple minutes later we wake up still in our chairs. "Did it work," I say to them. "Yeah Nik, it did," Kaleb says rubbing his head. I smile and laugh a bit. "Who knew that getting out of a prison world could give someone a bad headache," Grace says siting up.

We all get up, leaving the gym to go back to our rooms. Grace and I head down the hall because our rooms were  right by each other. 

Grace POV

I twist the knob to my door but it's locked. "Ugh, Brianna open up the bloody door now," I say banging on the door.  I go to my brother and siphon his shoulder. 

After siphoning I stand there for a minute. The magic I siphon felt different. I had never felt this kind of magic when I siphoned him before.  I stare at him for a minute. His eyes turn dark purple then back to the blue green color he got from our father. 

"You ok Grace," He says to me confused. I shake my head," Uhh head, just a small headache." "Dissero." The door unlocks and I go into my room. I close the door behind me and turn to Brianna. 

"Stop fucking locking the bloody door," I say to her. "Sorry, I was practicing magic but I wouldn't be able to with you in here," she says to me. "I don't even care anymore, I have my own problems," I say walking towards my bed. 

"What's going on," she says worried. "There's something wrong with my brother," I say pulling out a book. "I think there is some type of the dark magic inside of him, just how Josie was but somewhat stronger," I say. 

I use my vampire speed and flip through the book. "Nothing useful in this book," I say putting the book down. "Text the group cha to tell them," Brianna says sitting on the bed. "I'd do that but Nik's part of the group chat, he'd see it too ad there is no way Nik would let us lock him up," I say to her. "I know what to do," I say getting an idea. I pull out a piece of paper  and write on it.

There's Something Wrong With NIK

I start chanting out writing on the paper. "Touve mon se kavo. Touve mon se kavo. Touve mon se kavo. Touve mon se kavo. Incendia." The paper ignites and is sent the group, well not Nik of course. 

"So what did that do," Brianna says after watching chant words and the paper lighting on fire. "You really had to spoil my dramatic mood didn't you. The spell sent a message out Nik. Make sure you don't go near Nik also," I say to Brianna.

After about about an hour I get a message the same way I sent one. a piece of paper falls in my hand.

Everyone meet in he gym of the school

I grab my phone and walk to the door. "Wait, I'm coming too," Brianna says. "No, stay here," I say opening the door. The door closes before I start to exit. 

I look back to see Brianna holding the door closed with her magic. "Like I said, I'm coming," She says walking towards the door. "Fine, come on," I say exiting.

We make our way to the gym and everyone is already there. "I see this place one more time I'm gonna scream," Lizzie says. 

I laugh and we sit down. "Ok we need to get Nik locked up before anything happens," Hope says. "Wait how did you know he'd been filled with dark magic," I say to Hope. 

"I observe," she says flipping her hair back. "So whose gonna put him out so we can lock him up," MG says. "Me," Brianna says quickly. "Bri are you sure," I say to her. 

"Yeah I can handle it," she says. Hope looks at me then shrugs her shoulders. 

Brianna POV

I walk out of the gym and head towards Nik's room. I'm actually a bit nervous. What if he knows then I end up getting my neck broken or something. 

I reach his door and knock. He answer the door. "Hey Brianna, can I help you," He says. "Sorry Nik," I say flicking my hand. His neck snaps and he falls through the ground. MG and Kaleb come to grab his body.

Nik's POV

I wake up in the transition cell. "Looks like the gangs all here. You can let me out, I'm fine. I don't even know why I'm in here." 

"Nik, you're full of dark magic, I felt it when I siphoned you to unlock my door," Grace says. "We don't need someone full on dark magic going through the school again," Dr. Saltzman says. Josie looks down from hearing what he said. 

"Well gets used to it. And don't act like you're scared of dark magic. We secretly do it anyway," I say to them all. "I look a Grace. "Awww, what's wrong Grace, like Josie said, every super squad needs a super villain.  

I stand up and snap my fingers. My whole outfit then changes. My hair grows a bit and turns darker and a suit appears on me.

 My hair grows a bit and turns darker and a suit appears on me

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"See you guys later," I say. My eyes turn purple. "Autem," I say as the ground begins to shake. Some of the ground lifts up around my feet to lift  me up into the air. 


Hope you guys like  this story. Should I make Brianna another main character. If so, what face claim should I use.

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