Episode 13: Dark Vs Dark

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Dark Josie's POV

After channeling the others I pull out a map. I put on the ground and pull out of the knife. I hold my hand out signaling Hope to give me her hand. She put it on my hand, palm side up. I cut her hand and let the blood drip on the map. 

"Phasmatos tribum, nas ex veras, sequita sanguinem. Phasmatos tribum, nas ex veras, sequitas sanguinem," I chant as the blood moves on the map. I finally get the location of that freak. "New Orleans, where you aunt lives Hope," I say looking at her. 

"Why would Nik be with Aunt Freya," she says looking at Grace. Grace shruggs.

Dark Nik's POV

I go into my Aunt Freya's house. I walk around looking for the thing I need. I go into their attic and see what I need. 

Venom from all seven packs. I put them all into a bag and  leave the attic. I go towards the door but hear someone. "What are you doing here," Rebekah says holding Freya and Keelin's baby. 

"Just know, that the family is slowly dying," I say as my eyes turn voodoo purple once again. I exit the house and go to my family's compound that Marcel, Rebakah and their kids lived in. 

I go underground where no one was. I pull out 3 stakes and carve my siblings name into it: Charles; Hope; Grace

After carving in their names I pull out the venom. I pull out a bowl and pour all the venoms in. "Phasma Toxique au somme la cadit," I say turning the venom into a liquid metal form. 

I pour the liquid metal venom onto the stakes and let the metal harden. "This will kill them," I say holding up one of the stakes. I hear someone running down towards me. 

I look up and see Marcel. "What are you doing here Nik," he says looking at what I was doing. "Is that venom from all the packs on the stakes," he says to me. 

"Yep, now get out of my way before I use it on your wife." Marcel's eyes turn red and veins cover his face. "Oh save it Marcel," I say to him. 

I flick my hand and his neck snaps. I pick up my things and leave. I exit the compound and see Josie, but her dark form. "Lecutio Maxima," She as and red lightning comes my way. 

A red glows comes from my hand as I siphon her spell. I smile while looking at her. "I gave you a chance to back off," I say still siphoning her lightning. 

"I was gonna kill you, but now, I'm turning you into a monster, oh and, I locking that dark side back in your head jo," I say to her. I push her with magic using my other hand. 

I bite my wrist and walk up to her. She throws her hand out at me, pulling out my heart. I start to laugh. My magic protected me and stopped her spell. 

I vamp speed behind her and feed her my blood. "Concetur Magicae phasmanor vetores," I say putting her dark side away. I snap her neck and leave her there, dead.

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