S2 Episode 4: No Emotions

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After a couple hours, KaNyla wakes with a gasp. I hand her the other vial of my blood. "Drink this, you have to complete the transition."

She does, then her eyes turn yellow and veins appear. "You ok?" She nods. "Motus," she shouts. Nothing happens. "Umm, Nik, why can't I do magic." I get up from the bed. "Shit. Shit , shit, shit shit shit."

"Witches, when turned into vampires, lose their magic, I think that's what happened to you." I think for a bit. "Wait maybe, there's a way for  you to get your magic back, but it's a different form of magic."

"Anything," she says.

"It requires Sacrificial Magic."


KaNyla drags two human bodies into the gym. "Close the doors then stand into the pentagram." The does as told. "Why am I like this, like I'm doing everything you say, without an argument." I light the candles. "My blood turned you, you're sired to me. Now, are you ready." She nods, then I start chanting. "Incarem Vitos Karis Morus." While chanting, I slice the throats of the humans. I keep chanting, then she passes out.


She wakes back up. "Hey you ok?" She nods. I find myself staring in her eyes. "Umm, we should, go and, tell the others." She nods again, then gets up. "Ictus." She makes a chair flip over. "Yes."

KaNyla goes to find the others, I take a walk outside. I get stopped by someone. They stare at me. "Umm, are you ok man."

"I have a message from Hope Mikaelson." He launches at me. I push him off. "Vampire."

"Come, fight like you father. You'll probably end up dead just like him."

"Keep his name out of your mouth." I kick several feet down the road. Come on, fight harder than that, you need the help of Klaus for your combat skills. Oh wait, he's dead. Both of your parents are dead. You're afraid of letting someone else die as well."

"Stop talking." Tear fall down my face. He gets up and punches me a couple of feet back. I grunt trying to get up. "Come on Orphan, get up." I close my eyes, then turn my emotions off.

I turn back around and my Vampire face shows. I use my magic and he starts to choke. Once I flick my wrist, he gets decapitated. I pick up his head by his hair. "Incendia." The head lights on fire, then turns to ash.


Josie's POV

"Hey, have  any of you seen Nik?"

"He went on a walk for some reason," KaNyla says. A note appear above my head and I catch it.

It said. 'Don't come looking for me' - The Quadbrid

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