Episode 8: It All Goes Down pt.2

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New Spell:

Inteo Repelus: Creates a barrier that let the opponent's magic bounce off and hit them instead.


Nik's POV

I walk inside the cemetery that Daniella was in. She hears my footsteps and turn around with a smirk. "I thought I was supposed to run away," she said cocking her head to left.

 "Technically you did, you already knew we were powerful." Her faced changed. "Icaeus," she said as telekinetic sphere of magic flew from her hands. "Inteo Repelus," I say as her magic bounces off the barrier, hitting her instead.

 She gets back up and teleports behind me. She pulls a knife from her pocket and uses her magic to pull my to my knees. She pushes the knife into my shoulder slowly, making sure I feel the pain.

"Motus," I say pushing her out the cemetery. "I pull out the knife and throw it to the side. I pull out to daggers from my jacket and hold one in the air. Both dagger were made to kill her. 

I exploded the first one, turning it into ashes. Then, I use my magic to make her inhale the ashes, causes her to start dying slowly. I vamp speed to her and push the knife into her heart. Her body turned into grey ashes as the ashes start to fly away from the wind.

I get back into my car and start heading back towards the school. As I drive back, The skies turn blue, removing the dark clouds formed my Daniella. 

I look ahead of me and see a dark figure in the shape of a person. My feet slam on the brakes causing the car to slide sideways and flip over.

I pull myself out of the car and approach the figure. It was my ex. Her eyes were red with veins coming from her eyelids. She was annoyed by the fact that I wasn't a human for her to feed on.

"Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me."


Everybody knows what's happening here. Comment any ideas you have for this story and make sure you vote. If you have any Oc's you want in here, Comment  in the chat. I'll put a form on the next page. Be sure to include the species and all. I will be picking to people's Oc's

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