worship you:robin gallith

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(Synopsis: robert is feeling severely down in the dumps and Simon comes to the rescue to make Robert feel better)

Robert was sick and tired of this fucking reporter asking stupid questions. They weren't anything Robert hadn't heard before, but what really drove Robert up the wall was how bloody rude the bitch was. She obviously wasn't really interested in what robert was doing currently, all she talked about was drama with souxie, drama with Morrissey (robert loathed him), past drama with simon and fucking pornography.

It was fat bob this, who struck who that; robert didn't even want to think about it anymore; it's why he made a purpose not to talk about it too much because it ruined his mood. Robert WAS having a decent day before this fucking interview, but all that was gone now.

"So robert, how old are you now?" the overly peppy woman asked, touching robert's arm without his consent. Robert made a face before brushing her hand away casually, glancing to his right where Simon was waiting over the door out of camera shot with an irritated face. Robert shrugged before shaking his head and shrugging, "26.'' Robert said quietly, looking back at the woman who giggled.

"26?? I thought you looked around your early mid 30's with all that weight you've gained recently!" she laughed; that was the final straw. This woman was unbelievably rude, and Robert already struggled with his body image. He did NOT need some bird he didn't even know commenting on his weight as if she were a doctor.

Robert stood up, snubbing out his cigarette that he had forgotten to smoke because he was so flabbergasted by this bitch. "You know what- i just remember i have something much better to do than sit here and be criticized and shamed by some bitch like you." robert hissed, glaring at the woman who looked shocked.

"But- i still have you for 15 more minutes-" the woman whined, standing up with robert with an annoying pout of her face. "Have me? What am I some dog who you get to pride and poke at? Fuck off!" Robert hissed, losing his temper. That's when Simon stepped in; "alright, leave it robert. Let's get out of here, obviously if this bird wanted something worth while she would go about it in a different way." Simon said coolly, flashing a nasty look to the woman who grimaced and sat back down.

"Just a helpful tip, maybe you should think about getting a new job." Simon growled before pulling the rather upset Robert away. Robert hated that the press seemed to only care about mediocre things like his age, his weight, his looks. Robert wanted to talk about meaningful things and yet all he is given is the same old shaming of his body.

Robert didn't think he was so bad looking, though he had gained just a bit of weight...

Robert was still recovering mentally from things, and the last thing he wanted to be conscious about was how he looked. It shouldn't even matter that much and yet that woman was acting as if he were 40!

"Don't pay that bitch any mind rob, she was about as smart as a rock it seems." Simon hushed, looking at Robert's face and noticing how Robert was already nitpicking everything the woman said. Robert sighed and looked down, his expression hard with revulsion. "Robert?" Simon repeated, waving his hand in front of Robert's face to get his attention.

Robert blinked before looking at Simon, "what?" Robert said stupidly, making Simon roll his eyes. "I said ignore her. She doesn't know you like i know you, so therefore her arguments are invalid.'' Simon said, smiling at Robert who bit his lip.

"Still, is that how people truly see me?" Robert said, waving his hand before shaking his head and looking down. "Pathetic." Robert mumbled. Shoving his hands into his pockets with a heavy hearted sigh.

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