come closer

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    Robert sat on the wet grass, gazing into the slowly brightening sky. He hadn’t been able to sleep that night, Robert had far too much on his mind. Plucking away at the grass robert sat, his thoughts racing around his brain like restless rabbits.

    The dark haired male let out a sigh and rubbed his nose, the scent of wet grass making him think about how his clothes would be stained when he stood up.  Robert heard a sound behind him and quickly looked to his right, a pang of fear bubbling up in his stomach..

    Though it was not a monster about to consume Robert entirely, it was simply simon. Simon looked like he just woke up, his eyes were smudged with makeup Simon probably forgot to take off, and the male’s hair stood crazy. “Robert? What are you doing, it's 6:30 in the morning..” Simon asked Robert, who simply shrugged.

    “I wanted to watch the sun rise..” Robert said, looking back towards the sky. Robert’s cheeks turned pink, memories of the night before came rushing back into his consciousness. Simon stood quietly for a moment, gazing up at the sky as well before taking it upon himself to sit next to the shy man.

    “You’ll catch a cold if you stay out here too long rob.'' Simon said, sitting closer to robert. Robert glanced at the other, his baby blue eyes pale in the morning sun. “well i'm not so cold any more with you sitting so close.'' Robert said with a small smile. The two sat there quietly speaking to each other, sharing a few laughs before simply leaning into each other.

Robert hummed to himself, content with Simon's arm wrapped around his shoulder. Robert glanced up at Simon, admiring the details in the other's face before laying his tired head on Simon's shoulder. “Tired love?” Simon asked, pulling Robert close. “Only a little. I couldn’t get much sleep after last night… my head wouldn’t shut up.” Robert said, playing with his hands in a shy manner.

Simon smiled, “is that so?'' Simon said, kissing Robert's head. “Yeah.'' Robert said before lifting his head. Simon gazed at Robert for a beat before leaning down and placing a sweet kiss upon Robert's pale lips. Simon cupped Robert's face gently and brushed his thumb across Robert's cold cheek. The two shared a sweet moment before Robert pulled away with a flustered expression.

“You always have to take a piss at me don't you si.” Robert pouted, hiding the smile that wanted to come onto his face. The other laughed and nodded his head, “can't help it if i like to see you blush.” Simon said softly, smiling as he saw Robert's face grow pinker. Simon leaned closer to Robert and kissed his cheek, the air around them slowly growing more tense.

Robert shyly rubbed his hands together, “si… were outside-someone could see..” Robert protested quietly as Simon placed sweet kisses along Robert's shoulder. “I wont do anything” Simon hummed, pulling down Robert's sleeve to expose more of Robert's neck and shoulder.

The quiet male bit his lip, his stomach fluttering as Simon slowly brushed his warm lips up his neck. Robert felt stiff when Simon's hot breath fanned across his neck. Robert quickly stuffed his hands between his legs to hide the bump in his pants. “Feeling a little excited rob?”

Robert flinched when he felt Simon's hand on his inner thigh and bit his lip, feeling his face burn with arousal. “S-si..'' Robert whispered, letting out a shaky breath that was  nothing short of music to Simon's ears. Simon moved his hand closer to Robert's groin, watching how Robert's body twitched when he finally placed his hand upon the throbbing member that was between Robert's legs.

Robert let out a soft whimper and leaned into Simon, hiding his face into Simon's shoulder as the other took advantage of his weakened state. Simon slowly rubbed Robert's member through his trousers, biting his lip as he heard Robert's shaky moans fill the air between them. Robert never failed to make simon hunger for him like a beast- robert was so innocent yet so erotic when it came to things like this.

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