me and you

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Lol coughed violently, spewing more chunks into pearl's toilet. Lol had gotten a bit too drunk that night, and pearl had to walk him back up to their shared hotel room, thankfully they got there right before lol got sick.

"Christ lol- i told you not to drink so much!" Pearl said, his dissatisfaction blatant as he rubbed lol's back. Lol shuddered, sitting back. "Uhg.. i think that was all of it" lol said, still looking a bit green. Pearl rolled his eyes, taking his hand away from lol's back before grabbing at lol's arm. "Come on, stand up. Rinse your mouth out and then let's you get you to bed, you drunkard..." Pearl commanded, finally pulling lol up to his feet.

"Sorry pearl" lol whined, shuffling over to the sink and washing his mouth out with water. "Better yet- go ahead and brush your teeth. The acid from your vomit will rot your teeth. I'll go get you some water and aspirin.." pearl sighed, still looking a bit irritated at lol's recklessness. Pearl shot lol one last pointed glare before leaving the bathroom to get lol some aspirin that he would probably need in the morning.

If he hadn't already spewed up the rest of the alcohol he had consumed...

Lol spat out some water, sticking his tongue out in disgust. "He's not going to stop nagging me for this" lol groaned, haphazardly grabbing his tooth brush and quickly brushing his teeth. Lol washed his mouth out one last time before drying his mouth with a hand towel. Lol leaned against the counter with his hands, still feeling a bit dizzy.

"You alright in there lol?" Pearl called from the bedroom.

"Uh- yeah! Just a little dizzy that's all.." lol called back, fixing his posture once more and wandering slowly out of the bathroom; where he saw a pearl sitting on his bed; holding a few things of aspirin and a water bottle. Pearl offered a shy smile, looking more calm now.

"Here- hopefully this will help with your hangover tomorrow morning.." Pearl said softly, standing up and walking over to where lol stood. "It's just aspirin.." Pearl hummed, placing the pills into lol's hand.

Lol glanced down at the pills before shrugging in a nonchalant manner. "Thank's pearl." lol said, popping the pills into his mouth and drowning them with the water pearl had. After lol properly took the pills; pearl led lol over to the bed and sat him down. "Tired?" Pearl asked, kneeling down on the ground to help lol take his shoes off.

"Eh... more light headed than anything..." lol sighed, used to this kind of treatment from pearl.

Pearl flashed a warm smile up to lol, taking off lol's last show before placing his hands on lol's knees. "Light Headed?" Pearl asked softly, looking concerned. Lol blushed lightly and rubbed his neck in a bashful manner.

"Yeah- only a little though.." lol said, his voice hushed as pearl's hands snaked forward; sliding slowly up his thighs.

"That's good... if you start to feel ill again- just let me know alright?" Pearl teased, suddenly leaning up and stealing a kiss from lol. Lol tensed, his skin flushing pink from surprise. Lol pouted his lips, "do you always have to tease me pearl? Cheeky bastard" lol whined, however this kind of playfulness was normal between these two. Lol and pearl had grown close over the years- and especially so when pearl joined the cure.

"It's fun to see you pout" pearl giggled, kissing lol's cheek before standing up and climbing into the bed and under the duvet. Pearl hummed softly and snuggled his face into his pillow; already looking quite comfortable. "Come on- turn off the lamp and come lay with me." Pearl ordered, peeking his right eye open and gazing at lol.

Lol rolled his eyes and leaned over to the nightstand, where a oriental lamp sat, decorated with pretty blue flowers on the fragile glass, and turned it off; casting the room into darkness. Lol then turned and climbed under the duvet with pearl; a soft, tired sigh leaving his lips. "Not that I'm actually laying down- I'm a lot more tired than I was before.." lol mumbled, drawing closer to pearl who in return snuggled up into lol's chest.

"Probably because your adrenaline from puking has worn off." pearl hummed, relaxing fully against lol. Lol wrapped his arms around pearl's body and sighed softly, hiding his face into pearl's curly hair; exhaustion washing over him

There was a moment of silence until Pearl started to speak once more. "Wonder what robert and simon are up to now." Pearl hummed, keeping his eyes closed.

"I don't know... they're probably still at the bar drinking. I haven't heard any ruckus yet- so they aren't in their rooms yet." lol mumbled slowly, not opening his eyes. Pearl sighed softly, listening to lol's heartbeat before smiling to himself.

"I wonder if Mary ever gets jealous of their friendship. Robert and Simon spend so much time together- sometimes I wonder if they secretly shag." Pearl giggled, the idea of the two blokes being together being somewhat amusing.

Lol furrowed his eyebrows, "what? No way- i hardly think that simon of all people would have sex with another bloke- he's too... simon." lol denied, not even entertaining the thought. He knew Simon too well and he believed that Simon just... loved women too much to do anything like that.

"Robert though- i could see that..." lol hummed, making pearl giggle. "Me too." Pearl said, gazing at lol's face with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"I'm glad we are able to do this.." pearl said, cupping lol's face. "Being together- in this way... for a long time i didn't think i'd ever find someone who wants me in the way you do." Pearl smiled, brushing his thumb under lol's eye.

Lol finally opened his eyes and looked at pearl, raising his eyebrows. "Really?"

"Really." Pearl said, squeezing lol's face before leaving up and pressing his forehead against lol's. "I'm also glad it's just me and you tonight... i missed you" pearl giggled, making lol smile.

"You're crazy." lol laughed, leaning forward and connecting their lips into a gentle kiss...


i wrote some cute pearl x lol fluff for you @BirdmadGirl8 ;) 

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