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It was halloween, robert and the cure had been busy all year with writing music and playing shows; robert thought it would be an amazing idea to go to the party. He thought it would be fun, dress up a bit, drink until he pukes then wake up somewhere he didn’t recognize. But, as the universe would have it, things didn’t really go his way.

“Bloody hell lol- a fucking bunny costume? Do i look like a fucking fairy?” robert hissed at lol, who was currently laughing his arse off about the whole situation. See, lol was placed in charge of grabbing a few costumes for the buys, and he had done that. He had gotten everything he needed for the band, pearl was going as some cartoon character, lol was going as a pirate, jason was jason (lol thought he was right wanker for not wanting to dress up), simon was going as a werewolf and he got robert a cute little bunny costume.

Lol’s thought process about the whole thing was to mess with robert, since earlier robert had stolen his food (lol didn’t like to share food). It was a small costume, well it was barely a costume at all really. Lol had grabbed a pair of fluffy bunny ears with pink bows tied at the base of one ear, a cute little cottontail clip on so robert could clip it to his pants, and a lace little choker with a bell on it. 3 items, only three and yet they were far too embarrassing for Robert to even entertain the thought.

“That's what you get for nicking my sandwich you bastard!” lol hollered with laughter, holding his stomach and pointing at robert. Robert’s cheeks were bright pink with shame, he was actually a bit irritated that lol had gone and done something like this. Lol could be a dick at times, but Robert decided that it wasn’t worth putting energy into.

“Heh, I think you’ll be fine rob.” Simon said, patting Robert's shoulder and grinning at his friend. Robert huffed, looking at Robert, “yeah, talk to me when you have to wear a pair of fuzzy pink ears.” Robert said, raising an eyebrow at simon.

“Well, i'm going to wear fuzzy ears and a tail as well, i'm just going to be more badass than you” simon teased, taking the rabbit ears and placing them on robert’s head. “Plus i think they look cute.” Simon giggled, looking at Robert's embarrassed expression.

“Stop taking a piss at me.” Robert tutted, moving away from Simon and grabbing the rest of his ‘costume’. Robert was definitely going to get lol back for making him look so embarrassing.


After the band all got dressed in their costumes (except for jason of course) they all piled into lol’s car and left. It was a medium sized car, able to fit 4 people but since there were 5 of them robert ended up right on top of simon (which wasn’t weird at all really). Robert had his arms crossed and was sulking, his little bunny ears were squished down since there was little room.

Simon had his arms wrapped around Robert's waist, and was secretly looking at Robert's butt that was now adorned with a fluffy bunny tail. Robert sighed and let his arms fall into his lap, “finally done sulking then?” lol asked, making robert roll his eyes. “Well lighten up! We are here!” lol said with a stupid grin on his face as he parked on the side of the road. 

The sun had set at that time, and as Robert moved to peek out of the window he suddenly felt Simon grab his tail and snap his underwear. Yes robert had clipped it to his boxers, it was more secure that way.

Robert’s head spun and he stared at Simon with wide eyes, shocked that Simon did that. “Your tail was digging into me,” Simon said, his lips curling into that cocky smirk Robert knew too well. Robert huffed and opened the door, “pervert..” Robert tutted under his breath, quickly making his escape from Simon's wolfish gaze and getting out of the car.

The house party was already booming, you could hear the music outside of the house and there were people in the front yard drinking and doing other activities of sorts. Robert suddenly regretted wearing this stupid bunny costume. Robert sighed and crossed his arms, telling himself that after a few drinks he would feel better- hell he just might ditch the costume as well. Robert didn’t care about the grief lol would give him.

🖤the cure oneshot book🖤Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora