Kyoto songs

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Pain, that was all i could feel in the moment i started to return to the conscious world. My head was aching like someone had banged nails into my skull, and my stomach hurt like someone had kicked me a million times. The room was dark, and I wasn't entirely sure of where I was, or how I ended up in this weird room anyways.

I laid still, trying to remember the events of the night before. As far as i could remember we were in japan, we had done a show, i had spoken on an interview and then went to a party with the band. It was a celebration party of sorts, i can remember what we were supposed to be celebrating; don't know if i even care enough to try and remember.

I recall having too much to drink, and losing the band. I had to puke and went to the bathroom only to find someone already in there. From then it was all a fever dream and it hurt my brain even more trying to remember.

Slowly I sat up, feeling sheets slide down my body. The room was cold, and the bed was stiff. I blinked and touched the bed, it wasn't even a bed. It was the bloody floor! "The hell?" I whispered, squinting my eyes and realizing that I was in a hotel room. That can only mean good things. I rubbed my face, my brain was pounding with a horrible hangover.

I looked around before noticing other bodies around the room, men and women all naked and strewn about like rag dolls. My stomach dropped and I covered my mouth, what the hell happened last night. My hands trembled and I looked down at myself. I was naked as well, and marks were all over my skin. Hickies and bruises.

I felt something move next to me and jolted away, looking at the vile creature who dared to move. It was simon- what was Simon doing here? As i inspected the body next to me i found simon was in the same state as i was, naked and reeking of sex. I put two and two together and realized that either i got so drunk i ended up in some weird orgy- or i was drugged.

I did my best to control my breathing, pulling the sheet above my hips once more, looking around frantically for my clothes. They were just across the room, sitting in the corner with Simon's. Why was Simon next to me, had he been dragged into this situation as well? Slowly, with shaking legs, I pushed myself to my feet and carefully maneuvered around to get my clothes as well as Simon's.

Slowly I dressed myself, doing my best to ignore the god awful reek of old beer on my clothes. I must have spilled a drink on myself when I was drunk. Once I was back over to Simon I kneeled down, hands still shaking at the thought of what could have possibly happened during that night- the realization that I cheated on Mary not yet fully weighing down on me just yet.

"Simon! Simon wake up!" I hissed, shaking Simon's arm while holding his clothes. Simon's nose wrinkled and he swatted at my hands. "Mn.. go away robert.." Simon grumbled, turning his back to me. I can believe this bleeding idiot!

"Simon get the fuck up!" i hissed, slapping simon's back right where i knew it would hurt so he would just wake up. And I'm glad it did because Simon jumped up and glared, looking dead. "The fuck robert!" simon hissed, shoving my hand away again. "Simon got dressed- we were in a orgy and we need to leave- just get dressed!" i demanded, im sure i made very little sense because simon looked about as confused as i was when i first woke up.

Simon slowly sat up and groaned a bit, rubbing his eyes before looking around. I waited impatiently for him to get dressed, watching as a look of realization appeared on Simon's face. "Shit.." Simon breathed, glancing at me and then looking down at my body. "What? What is it?" i demanded, watching as simon bit his lip and shook his head. "No- its nothing lets just get the fuck out of here.'' Simon said in a weird tone, now getting dressed.

I stood up with Simon and made sure I had all of my possessions before making a beeline for the door, not caring if I stepped on anyone. I was more focused on getting out of that hotel room and getting out of there. Once we exited the room I grabbed Simon's wrist and practically dragged him to the elevator, "c'mon si, let's get out of here '' I breathed, hitting the main floor button and watching at the doors closed.

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