play with me

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The world was spinning in a sickening manner, Robert had drunk far far too much, he was utterly plastered, but he didn’t really care. In fact, he was quite jovial at his current state, this was the first time in a long time Robert felt somewhat at ease, he would even go as far to say he was happy.  These past months have not been kind to robert at all, all due to that damn record.

Back then Robert would have sworn up and down that the cure was dead, and that he never wanted to see him again, but deep down in those dark nights where Robert sat alone in his room, wasting away in his own misery, he couldn’t get Simon out of his head. At the loss of his best friend everything seemed to fall apart at the seams, robert didn’t know who he had become, he was bitter and angry all the time, a downright miserable bloke no one wanted to be around, though robert didn’t blame them.

But things were different now, Simon had come back, hopefully to stay. Robert still felt a bit coy around Simon, sheepish and afraid that he may say the wrong thing again, afraid that he would drive his best friend away once again. Though that didn’t seem to be on Simon's mind, no, much to Robert's befuddlement Simon seemed to not want to leave his side. 

All through the evening Simon would speak to Robert as if nothing ever happened, as if all the fights never happened, as if all the misery and pain didn’t matter anymore. Robert was grateful for that, and it made it easier to rekindle their friendship.

“Woah~ slow down rob, you’ll fall” simon caught robert’s arm, supporting the plastered male and keeping him from falling right on his face. Robert giggled, grasping Simon's shirt before lazily lifting his head and gazing at simon. “Sorry si” Robert rasped out, doing his best to find his balance once more, though it was quite difficult since Robert was terribly distracted by Simon's warm brown eyes smiling at him.

Robert stood there dazed and staring at Simon like a loony, and all Robert could think about was hiding his face in Simon's neck and falling asleep. Simon raised an eyebrow at Robert before smacking the side of Robert's face lightly, knocking Robert out of his haze. “C-come on mate, let's get going” Simon rasped, wrapping his arm around Robert's waist and tugging him down the street.

The others had already gone off on their own and it was just Simon and orbert on their own, stumbling down the streets like drunks, desperately trying to find their way back home. Robert and Simon were tickled by their situation, and in light hearted manners made their way back to Robert's pad.

Robert pulled out his keys, bending over a bit and trying to aim the keys to the hole. Simon sniggered at Robert, finding it funny how Robert was struggling, until finally Robert opened the door. “Aha!” Robert grinned, trembling slightly as the door fell open. The two men made their way inside, messily stumbling to the couch before flopping down, nearly falling on top of each other in their delirium. 

Robert let his head fall back and rest on the back of the couch, his eyes fluttering shut as Simon went on about who knows what. Robert just felt content, sitting with Simon, drunk off his arse. Robert lifted his head and looked at Simon, who paused in his rambles to gaze back at robert. “What's It rob?” Simon asked, leaning a bit closer.

Robert hummed, a goofy smile coming onto his face. “I just am really happy that your back.” Robert slurred softly, leaning forward a bit. Simon’s eyes softened as he gazed at Robert, his chest tightening. “And I know I've been an ass… a right plonker really, but I missed you... “ Robert whispered, gazing up at simon.

Guilt began to eat at Robert's stomach and he lowered his gaze, gripping his shirt tightly. “I-i just… i was so miserable without you… I was to blame for everything and I'm just really happy to be able to see you again..''Robert said softly, whipping at his face before looking up at simon.

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