kisses in the dark

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Robert hadn’t felt this happy in a long while. Everything had fallen back into place one could say, the cure was getting popular again, everyone was getting along and most of all Robert's favorite person was back. Simon had returned, and honestly Robert felt like he would float away from the earth.

Robert and Simon had spoken to each other, Robert apologized for his actions as did simon; and now everything was better. Robert bit his lip, tracing his finger across the rim of his drink before glancing up at Simon who was sitting across from him. Robert hadn’t yet confessed his feelings for Simon just yet, Robert was weary since they had just reconciled.

Robert knew what he wanted to do, he just didn’t know how to do it. Robert wanted to express just how fond he was of Simon, but he was afraid that Simon would refuse him; Robert didn’t know if he could handle being turned away once more.

Robert pushed away the intrusive thoughts and lifted his drink to his lips, glancing to the rest of the table where he saw his band mates happily talking with each other. It was peaceful, it was just right. Robert set his drink down before leaning back and biting his nails; his eyes darting back over to simon.

“You good robert?” pearl asked, startling robert from his thoughts. “Huh? Oh- yes i'm fine. Just about to go for a smoke, that's all..” Robert replied quickly, tearing his eyes away from Simon's alluring lips. Robert grabbed his pack off the table before standing up. Robert felt jittery, like he was being too obvious about his distractions. 

Out of the corner of Robert's eye he saw Simon set his drink down and stand.  Robert looked at Simon who flashed a boyish grin in his direction, “mind if I come? Smoked my last fag not to long ago. I'll pay you back.'' Simon said, walking up next to robert.

Robert licked his lips unconsciously; he adored how considerate Simon could be. Robert would do anything for Simon if given the chance. “Of course, don't worry about paying me back. I have plenty.” Robert said softly, turning on his heel and starting towards the side door that led right out to the dark and rather muggy alleyway. This pub wasn’t the best, but he knew the bartenders well and often got a discount on his drinks if he sang a couple of songs here and there whenever he visited.

When Robert and Simon arrived out to the dark and musty alleyway, Robert suddenly wished he had a heavier jacket. “Seems like a cold front came through.” Simon commented, a small smile appearing on his handsome face. “Seems like it, should have checked the weather before leaving” robert shivered dramatically before letting out a breathy chuckle and pulling out his cigarettes.

“Here.” Robert said, offering his pack to simon. “Thanks mate.” Simon hummed softly, reaching out and taking a cigarette out of the pack. Robert watched Simon's face as he placed the cigarette between his pink lips; so unconsciously pretty..

“Got a lighter rob?” Simon asked softly, catching Robert off guard. Robert blinked before clearing his throat,  “y-yeah i do.” Robert said, quickly placing a cigarette between his lips as well and pulling out his lighter that his dad gifted him a couple of months ago from a vacation, or something like that. Robert had already forgotten.

Robert flicked the lighter on and burned the end of his cigarette before holding it out a bit, shielding the flame with his hand. “There.'' Robert said, glancing up at Simon who leaned in closer to light his cigarette. Robert held his breath, watching as Simon's eyelids lowered as he focused on the flame burning his cigarette.

Simon was so breathtaking sometimes, it was frustrating to Robert really. Robert wondered how Simon had the audacity to be so hunky. Robert felt his cheeks warm and he killed the flame when Simon glanced up at him. Robert let his hand fall down to his side before he took in a breath. “Simon i..” Robert started, but he wasn’t sure of what he wanted to say or how exactly he should say it. 

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