one last drink

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Robert couldn’t believe the audacity Simon had sometimes- the cocky bastard. Robert wanted to rip his own hair out in frustration, but he didn’t; mostly because he already felt crazy enough, he didn't want to actually end up in a mental hospital. 

What had happened was that Robert had woken up late. Robert is always late, everyone is used to it by now- but Robert guessed Simon wanted to be a complete ass and fuss at him when Robert had just woken up.

In robert’s mind, it didn’t matter too much if they were late for the fucking photoshoot, it was just pictures in the end anyways- but robert guess that ruffled simon’s feathers a bit too much and they ended up getting into a little fight. Hah. a little fight, as if it could be called that.

That had set the tone for the day and now Robert was in a sour mood, he didn’t want anything to do with anyone at the moment.  Robert now sat at the band’s ‘favorite’ pub, it was a chilly night and Robert had forgotten his sweater. Just wonderful right?

Robert was at the bar, he wanted to get absolutely sloshed that night in hopes of feeling better- not the best way to handle his frustrations; Robert knew that all too well, but did he care? Not really.

“Another please” Robert slurred, leaning against the bar with his chin on his palm. Robert honestly couldn’t even remember what he was so angry for- but he felt like he was right to be angry.  The bartender eyed robert for a moment before shrugging and giving him another pint, not caring if robert was getting too drunk. He needed the money.

“Cheers.” Robert mumbled before pushing away from the bar and gulping down his drink, and quite messily as well. Robert could barely stand straight, the room was spinning around him in the most unpleasant way; and Robert knew he was quickly going from buzzed to absolutely obliterated. Just what he wanted. Get drunk and forget all his problems.

Robert spotted the group sitting at a table in the corner, and sniffed. ‘Look at him… sitting there all smug- just who shoved a stick up his ass..’ robert thought before deciding in his drunken delirium to go over to simon and do something stupid because obviously that's what robert was best at.

When Robert got over to the table he eyed Simon, who was already looking at him. Robert looked away and sat down, placing his pint carefully on the table. “Bloody hell rob- already sloshed are you?” lol laughed, nudging robert who looked at him  and smiled.

“Of course, what else is there to do at a pub?” Robert said slowly, glancing at Simon who looked very cross with robert. “There are plenty of thing to do other than drink away your frustration.'' Simon muttered under his breath, but it didn't go unnoticed by Robert who looked at simon. “Say something?” Robert said, frowning at Simon who raised an eyebrow at robert.

“You heard me. There are better things to do than drink away your problems, like arriving for photoshoots on time.” Simon said, making Robert scowl. “Yeah well, I'm a grown man. I can do what I want.'' Robert spat at Simon, showing his ass in the most drunken way possible. Robert turned away from Simon and drank the last of his beer, suddenly not wanting to be in the crowded pub any longer.

Robert messily stood up, nearly knocking over a chair in the process but he eventually was steady on his feet. “Where are you going?” Simon said in annoyance, watching as his drunkard friend tossed a few coins on the table. “I'm leaving, i don't want to be in this crowded place anymore- i'm going to the hotel..” robert said in a snappy manner, glaring coldly at the he used to be so close to before shoving the seat back to the table. Robert grabbed his fags before making his way to the door, determined to leave but the room was spinning so much now it was hard to simply walk.

Robert growled in frustration and pushed the door open, shivering at the cold wind that blew right in his face. Robert’s mood was getting worse with every passing minute, he wanted to hurt something, he wanted to make this anger go away. He needed it to go away. “God robert you cant even fucking walk straight! How are you going to get back to the hotel? Do you even know where you are?” Simon hissed in a repugnant tone of voice at the sight of robert. 

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