Episode 727

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Thelma quickly shows Bea inside and closes the door. They stand in the hallway

Thelma - Did you get some sort of day release or something? Don't take this the wrong way but I am surprised they granted that to you given you are on remand for murder!

Bea chuckles

Bea - No Thelma i escaped

Thelma looks horrified

Thelma - Escaped? Oh, surely not...

Bea - Exciting isn't it

Chloe looks delighted

Chloe - Yeah it's awesome! I'm so glad you're here Nan

Bea - I'm glad I'm here too darling, I felt I have missed out on enough already, I didn't want to miss this too

Bea hands Chloe a parcel

Bea - I made you a present too...go on open it

Chloe opens it, it is a jumper

Bea - It's nothing special I know but it's the best I could come up with from prison

Chloe - It's ace thanks...come on, come and meet my friends and we have plenty of food!

Chloe leads Bea into the living room full of people

Thelma walks in behind looking uneasy

Ann is in a cafe with Ben

Ann - You look dreadful, are you looking after yourself?

Ben - I'm fine...I haven't come here to discuss my health. I came to tell you about Pip's funeral... I've got it all arranged, it's tomorrow

Ann looks shocked

Ann - Really? That soon?

Ben -Yes, is there a problem with that?

Ann - No of course not, I wasn't expecting it to be so soon that's all. I thought the police might want to hold onto the body for a while longer...for their inquires

Ben - Why would they want to do that? They know how the culprits were

Ann - Now listen here, Ben!....

Ben cuts her off

Ben - Save it, I get that he is  your son and you want to defend him but just don't bother trying with me I don't want to know

Ann sighs

Ann - Is she being buried or cremated?

Ben - She has already been cremated so there isn't much left to do, just burn what is left. She wanted to be cremated anyway

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