Episode 758

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Dwyer looks at Sandra in shock
Dwyer - Smith killed your daughter?
Sandra- Indeed yes
Dwyer - In God's name how? 

Bea stares at Ellen
Bea - Do you realize what you're asking?
Ellen - Yes of course I do. I wish I didn't have to ask this of you believe me
Bea - Yes well you shouldn't have asked, this is way too much to expect of anyone
Ellen - Really? I didn't think you'd find it that difficult, you have killed before
Bea - Those times were entirely different from this. This is not something I want to be responsible for
Ellen - Look all you have to do is get my pills, I'll do the rest from there. Is that really too much to ask?
Bea looks angry
Bea - Yes it is. How would I live with myself afterward?
Ellen - This is what I want. Put yourself in my place for a second, you can see how ill I am. Would you want to carry on living if you were like I am now?
Bea looks upset
Bea - Probably not no
Ellen - There is no dignity to it, I can't even visit the toilet without needing help ...and as for the pain, I have never felt such pain
Bea - Have you thought about how Josie would feel?
Ellen - Of course I have. I'm doing this for her sake too, I don't want her to have to watch me suffer like this anymore, I know she finds it hard to see me like this. I'll be gone soon anyway, it's best for everyone if I go now and save any more upset. Please help me, Bea
Bea looks distressed like she is torn about what to do

Back with Sandra and Dwyer

Sandra - My Jacqueline started out as a trainee officer in Queensland, working in the prison I was running at the time. But once she fully qualified we both agreed it would be best if we didn't work in the same prison, so she moved to Melbourne with her husband, she started working at Barnehurst where Smith was
Dwyer - What happened then?
Sandra - Jacqueline was foolish enough to get herself blackmailed by another prisoner. This prisoner was threatening to have her husband killed if she did not cooperate. The prisoner was Amelia Ford, the powerful drug pusher and gangsters moll who Smith waged war with. Who Smith eventually lagged on.
Dwyer - Yes I remember all that, Smith got witness protection for it
Sandra - Yes that's right, but what you probably weren't aware of was that Smith had also found out that Jacqueline was helping Ford and this made Smith angry. She wanted My Jacqueline to pay too. The stupid brain-dead thug didn't realize that Ford had my poor Jacqueline over a barrel. She just wanted Jacqueline to pay for it regardless like she wants everyone to pay where drugs are concerned. During the fire, Smith confronted Jacqueline one final time and they had a fight. Smith lost it and killed her
Dwyer - How do you know all this?
Sandra - I had a contact in the prison, I asked them to keep an eye on Jacqueline for me and report back to me. She witnessed the fight and the murder and informed me later on. I wanted to make Smith pay but we all thought she was dead. But now ever since Smith has resurfaced alive I have been biding my time waiting for the right moment to get her
Dwyer - What do you intend to do with her once she is here?
Sandra - You have nothing to worry about James I assure you, I shan't do anything that will look bad for your department
Dwyer - Hmm well I should hope not!...one thing I am curious about though who was your contact in the prison.
Sandra - A woman called Lorelei Wilkinson, was a prisoner at Barnehurst at the time. I shared a friendship with Lorelei in Queensland years before. I knew her long before she ended up in my prison! That was difficult at first but we overcame that and continued our friendship. She was a kind woman who cared about her friends. She told me all about her friends Joan and Audrey who had been at the prison a few years before I arrived there....and about her cellmate Maxine who died in a robbery gone wrong. She told me how she tried to help them all.... and when she contacted me from Barnehurst a few years later I knew she would look out for Jacqueline for me, she agreed to look out for Jacqueline and keep me informed without question when I asked

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