Episode 740

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Janice is standing over Ian's body as Ailsa arrives in the doorway. Ailsa looks shocked
Ailsa - Bloody hell what happened to him?
Janice - You should know Slater, you just attacked him and slashed his throat, I always said you were tuppence short of a dollar Slater
Ailsa - You're bleeding mad, I was nowhere near him!
Janice - I know...but who else knows that? Only us two right and you're going to confess to it
Ailsa - Like hell I am...
Ailsa turns to go and Janice grabs her and puts a hand around her throat
Janice - You will confess Slater!
Ailsa bites into Janice's arm, and Janice slaps her in the face
Janice - You stupid old bat!
Janice puts the knife to her throat
Ailsa - Hey, what the hell are ya doing?
Janice - You wanna die Ailsa?...or do you want Mandy or sweet little Connie to get hurt or killed?
Ailsa shakes her head
Janice forces the knife into her hand
Janice - Get a good grip on that so that your fingerprints are all over it
Ailsa does so
Janice - That's right very good, you killed poor old Mr Henderson didn't you Ailsa?
Ailsa doesn't respond so Janice chokes her
Janice - You just went crazy, lost it. We all know how you lose it at times Ailsa... like when you tried to burn two prisoners alive...now let's get you to the pound shall we, you're far too dangerous to be left roaming around after what you've done!
Janice leads Ailsa away

Spike is in the Marsh house office when there is a knock at the door, she goes to answer and Joan's associate is standing there

Inspector Thorne arrives at Wentworth's reception where Jim is at the desk
Thorne - Well well well g'day Mr Fletcher, long time no see
Jim - Inspector Thorne, what brings you here?
Thorne - It's been a few years and I see the old place has changed a bit...I thought you'd left years ago.
Jim - I did but I found my way back in the end
Thorne - Well I got a call from your governor Miss Raymond to report a serious incident here, do you know anything about it
Jim - No, this is the first I've heard about this. I best ring through to her office

Janice is in the governor's office with Vera who is now back in a uniform
Janice - I'm glad to see you got back into a uniform nice and prompt Miss Bennett...how does it feel? Comfortable I hope?
Vera - Never mind that I want to know why I was summoned back here. If it was just to torment me then don't bother, it's hardly professional
Janice - And of course, some of your activities as governor, like drinking on duty, were highly professional weren't they?
Vera (short-tempered) - I keep telling you, I was never drinking on duty!
Janice - Yes and I don't believe it, no matter how many times you say it!...but anyway I called you here because something very serious has happened....a brutal murder.. and I was the one who had to find the body, it was a shocking sight, Vera, I'm still in shock
Vera looks concerned
Vera - A murder? Who has been murdered
Janice sits and shakes her head pretending to be tearful as the office phone rings
Janice - I called for Inspector Thorne, hopefully, this is reception ringing through to tell me he has arrived
Janice picks the phone up while Vera stands looking concerned

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