Chapter 13

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I was sitting in a little coffee shop in town. I didn't know what I do. The witches are after the Hayley, the vampires are after the witches and I'm caught in the middle. I don't know what to do. I needed to go somewhere I could be alone. I didn't know where I could go though. Something was staring, every supernatuarl being is at the others throat and I am caught right in the middle. I already knew that there was something between the vampires and the witches, but why would the witches go after Hayley unless they were trying to get to Klaus or Eliajh. But Marcel wants to control the witches and appearently Klaus found out about Divina so that's not much of a secret anymore. I had no clue what I was going to do. Rebekah was usually someone i talked to. We became very close for a few weeks but I hadn't heard from her since the night the witches went after Hayley. I decided to try and call her. No answer. I tried again. No answer. I tried to call Klaus. No answer. I had no choice but to call Hayley. "Katy, I can't really talk right now." "I just need to know if you have heard from Rebekah?" "no, that's actually why I am busy now. I've gotta go." "Hayley," I yelled, "What the hell is going on?" I didn't know what was happening but I needed to find out. I heard someone in the background say, "Maybe she can help."
Hayley sighed and said, "Get over here as quickly as possible." I hung up and went straight to see Hayley.

When I arrived I saw Hayley and Elijah. "What is going on?" I asked. "Well," Elijah began, "my brother and sister are both missing, kidnapped by witches and said witches are doing anything they can to turn us aginst each other." "What do I have to do with any of this? How am I suppose to help?" Elijah looked at Hayley. "What is it?" I was getting very upset. "You can help us find Klaus," Marcel said. "How?" I was honestly cluelesss. "Because you and Klaus have a connection unlike any two people," Elijah said. "What the hell are you talking about?" He sighed and began to speak, "A thousand years ago a spell was put on you linking your's and Klaus's lifes together, so if one of you died so would the other." I had to sit down. This made no sense. "If that were true, why him? Of all people, why Klaus?" I asked. "Because you two were madly in love and it resulted in your death." I nearly fell out of my chiar. My death? "So, I'm a dead thousand year old witch who is magically linked to your hybrid brother? Yeah, that makes total snese. But wouldn't I remember all of this?"  "Your memories were taken away from you," Elijah said. "The point is," Hayley said, "You can help find them, you just have to connect."

"And how exactly do I do that?" I was so confused. Finding all of this out but not knowing if it's true, but I guess I was going to find out. "You just have to relax and focus on Klaus."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Nothing was happening so I tried to call his name. "Klaus? Can you hear me?" Nothing was happening. I entertained this idea for a few more minutes and when nothing happened, I stood up and said, "I can't help Elijah, I'm sorry, but I have to go." I turned to leave and all of a sudden I felt an awful pain in chest. Like somthing had just been stabbed into my chest. I closed my eyes and saw Klaus. "Katy, what is it?" Hayley asked. "I see him." "Klaus?" I nodded. "Klaus? Can you hear me?" I asked. "Yes," he replied. "Where are you?" I asked. He didnt reply. "Klaus?" I said. The pain intensified by thousands. I let out a scream and fell to over ontothe floor. "Katy, breathe," Elijah said. "He doesn't know where he is." "Then go there, you've done it before. Close you eyes." I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe and suddenly I was standing in the room  with Klaus. He couldn't see me but I could see him and feel him. I ran out into some hallway. I was looking around trying to find a way out or someway to figure out where I was. I heard Elijah's voice, "Where are you?" "I don't know. It looks like and old hospital." "I know where they are," I heard elijah say. I opened my eyes and was back with Elijah and Hayley. Marcel came in and asked, "Did you find them?" I nodded. "Let's go get them," Elijah said. I stood up and Marcel, Elijah, and i walked out.

We were sgtnding outside of some old hospital. "Wait," I said, "something's wrong." "What is it?" Marcel asked. "It's the pain, it stopped." "Isn't that a good thing?" Marcel asked. "Not really. I saw things that Klaus saw, like memories, but not his memories, Rebeka's. What Klaus saw, pissed him off." Marcel knew what I was talking about. I could tell by the look on his face. "What were the memories about?" Elijah asked. "Someone named Mikael." Elijah looked at Marcel, "Did you know of this?" Elijah looked like he was getting angry. "Guys, Klaus is going to kill Rebekah." We all ran into the building we finally found Klaus and Rebekah. I was hiding so Klaus didn't see me but he was holding some blade and it got thrown from his hand and was on the floor. I recognized the blade but I didn't know why.

A flash came over me and I saw it getting plunged into Klaus's chest. That was what brought all the pain. He was going to stab Rebekah with it. I went to grab it and I stabbed Klaus with it. "I'm sorry," I whispered. Klaus fell to the floor. I saws Rebekah and Marcel leaving. "Do you have it from here?" I asked Elijah. He nodded. I walked past him so I could leave and he grabbed my arm stopping me. "Thank you." I nodded and then left.


Hey eveyone! So I wanted to say how thankful I am for all of you reading this story. i hope you are enjoying it. We are up to 1.43K veiws and I am so excited. I never thought that many people would be reading my story. So thank all of you! Read, vote, comment, and most of all, ENJOY!!

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