Chapter 34

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Song- Make you feel my love -Adele

We walked outside. It was hard to believe that it was already night time. The walkway that lead to the tree was lined with candles. We all walked down it. Alaric and Rebekah were first, then Stefan and Caroline, and then Tyler and  Elena. They each knew where to stop and when to walk. I couldn't believe this was happening. I was going to get married and have a child. Elena and Tyler were about to walk out and it was just Damon and me. "Damon I need to tell this to someone before I explode." "What?" He asked. "I'm pregnant." "That's amazing," he said and hugged me. "Not really the reaction I was expecting but I wanted to ask you something completely not caring what Matt thinks." "What is it?" "Will you be a godparent?" "Why me?" He was super confused looking. "Because regardless of what you think, you are an amazing person and no matter how hard you try to make people think you're bad, you're not. Please just say yes." "I'd be honored." I hugged him. "Good because I wasn't going to give you much of a choice." He laughed. We heard the music start and he said "that's our queue. You ready?" I nodded. He held his arm out and I put mine around it. We walked out and I saw Elijah and Hayley and Klaus and Marcel and Davina and Carol Forbes and Jackson and the werewolves. I was starting to cry again. My eyes finally met with Matt's. He was standing under the tree where we first kissed. There were lights hanging down from the limbs of the tree. It was beautiful. Matt was looking dead at me. We got to the end of the isle. Damon kiss me in the cheek and shook Matt's hand. I looked at Matt. The man I wanted everything with. I was having his child and I was going to be his wife. I put my hand in his and stepped up to face him. "We are gathered here today to join the people in matrimony. That's all I know that people say at a traditional wedding so I'm gonna wing this," Bonnie said laughing. "Do you two have vows?" "Kaitlynn, when I first met you I didn't know what to think. But knowing you had been the best part of my life. I am ready to spend every minute of the rest of my life with you. I love you." I was crying. "Matt, I met you when I came to Mystic Falls with only selfish means. I used you and betrayed you and you still cared about me. You wanted what was best for me and what's best for me is you. You're my everything and I can't wait to start the rest of our life. I love you."
"With that said, Elena, tyler do you have the rings?"
Elena handed me a beautiful silver band with our initials in it.
"I'm going to switch this wedding up a bit. Sara, Davina can you join me. Since Katy was born a witch we thought we would give it a witchy touch." Sara and Davin and Bonnie stood around is in a triangle. "Matt, Katy please give Sara and Davina the rings." I handed Matt's ring to Davina and Sara took my ring from Matt. They whispered a spell and traded rings and then gave them back to us.
"Matt, with this ring do you promise to be there for Kaitlynn for better or worse, rich or poor, in sickness and in health until death do you part?" "I do." He put the ring in my finger.
"Kaitlynn , with this ring do you promise to be there for Matt for better or worse, rich or poor, in sickness and in health until death do you part?" "Hell yeah I do." I smiled and put the ring on his finger. "You're ring are spelled together now. If you are ever scared or alone put it to your chest and you'll feel the heartbeat of each other. You'll never be alone. Well with that, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Matt just looked at me and smiled until tyler punched his shoulder and said, "Kiss her you idiot." And he did. He grabbed my waist and kissed me. Everyone was cheering. "Okay everyone," Caroline said, "Reception is back at the house so lets go." Everyone was smiling and laughing. Matt started walking to the house and I followed with my hand still in his.
We were all in the house. We had a good night everyone started leaving around 3 in the morning it was just Matt and I with Caroline, Stefan, Damon, Elena, Tyler, and Bonnie. "Okay guys so I need to say something," I need to tell Matt and what better time than now. "So Damon is the only one that knows because when I tried to tell you this morning you're cleverly planned out surprise proposal slash wedding. Matt," I turned to face him and said "I love you." "I love you too," he said. "Just tell him already," Damon said. "Matt, I'm pregnant." "What?" he said. Everyone looked surprised. No one said anything. "We are gonna have a baby?" he asked. I nodded, "Yeah. We're gonna have a baby." He smiled and stood up and kissed me. "Okay, okay but the other half of the conversation and I'm sure Matt will be on my side about this, which is why Damon already has agreed and I'd really like the rest of you to as well." "Agree to what?" Elena asked. "Will you guys be the godparents?" "Oh my god! Yes!" Caroline squealed and hugged me. "I'm really hoping she speaks for everyone," I said. They all overlapped with their answers agreeing and we had a big group hug. "Okay guys it's late and I would like for me and my wife to get some rest for tomorrow so goodnight," Matt said. We all exchanged hugs and Matt and I walked out front headed to his truck. He gave me his tux jacket when we stepped outside in the cold air. We walked to the truck and drove home. I was so happy. This day had been so perfect. We got to the house and Matt came around to my door and decided to carry me in the house like a traditional newly wed couple would. He carried me up to our room and sat me down on the bed. He tossed me some pjs and I stood up and asked him to unzip my dress. He took his tie off and came over to unzip it for me. I felt his hand on my shoulders. He leaned down and kissed my neck. I could feel goosebumps where ever he touched. I closed my eyes and let Kim continue. He turned me around and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer to him. Breaking the kiss, he looked at me and said, "You should really get some rest." He kissed my forehead and walked into the bathroom to change and shower. I huffed and yelled to him, "You're such a tease." I heard him laugh. I changed into a pair of gym shorts and a loose tank top. I crawled into bed and fell asleep before Matt even got done in the shower. Tomorrow was it. The last supernatural thing I'd have to deal with for the rest of my life. I could finally have the happy life I always wanted.

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