Chapter 10

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I went to work and decided to just work myself to death. I needed to get my mind off of this without showing the witches any sign of problem I was having. Sophie walked up to me and said, "We need to talk." I followed her out back into the alley. "What the hell were you doing at Klaus's house?"

"I jumped off of my apartment building and Elijah saved me and took me there. Why the hell is it your business?"

"The witches want you dead, Katy. I want to keep you safe."

"Oh, really? You want me to kill my closest friend and when I refused, you had my apartment burned to the ground. Is that wanting to "keep me safe"?" I was really pissed so I just walked out and left her.

I need to go somewhere were I could be alone but no matter where I went anymore everyone always seemed to find me. Either an original, or a witch or Marcel, or one of his freakin lackeys.

I looked up at the sky and saw the full moon and I knew where I could go, the Bayou. I went there and I saw the wolves and they were turning. I saw Jackson. I walked out to them.

"Katy?" He ran to me and hugged me. "I haven't seen you in a while. What are you doing here?" He had a smile that I used to love seeing, but I haven't seen it in ago long that I had almost forgot it.

"I needed someone to talk to, someone I can trust."

"Okay, come on."

"Don't you have something to take care of first?" I asked gesturing towards everyone.

"Fine, we will check on everyone and then talk." I nodded in agreement and we went to check on everyone.

I ran into Oliver while I was checking on people. "Well, long time no see. What brings you around these parts?"

"Hi Ollie." I hadn't seen him since he came out to the bayou. We were really close once, but that kinda fell apart. "I came to talk to Jackson about something." He came closer to me. "Are you sure you didn't just want to see me?" "I'm positive," I was trying to be cocky so he wouldn't get to me, but he always managed to get to me somehow. "Now if you don't mind I'm gonna go talk to Jackson." I walked by him and went to find Jackson.

"What's going on?" Jackson asked. "Original vampires are in town. Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah. Along with The werewolf carrying Klaus's child, Hayley."
He just looked at me for a minute, "Okay wait, if Klaus is a vampire haw can someone be pregnant with his kid?" "He's a hybrid, it's weird I can't really explain it. But that's not the important part. Hayley is who matters."
"She isn't just any werewolf. She is a crescent moon werewolf and her birth name isn't Hayley, it's Andrea."
He was extremely surprised. "How do you know all this?" I slept at Klaus's house and she was there. I put the pieces together."
"Wait, why were you at Klaus's house?" he asked me in his concerned voice. "Apparently I have a past with them, I don't really know how to explain it."
"I keep having these sort of visions, but they are like memories of me and Klaus's family. I think I loved him and his father killed me to make him suffer."

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