Chapter 32

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Being here felt odd. It had been 6 months, which may not seem like a long time, but with they way Klaus and I said goodbye, 6 months felt like 6 lifetimes. I walked up and down the block before I went anywhere near where Klaus was. I knew where he was and so I finally walked there after 20 minutes of freaking out. He and Elijah were arguing as usual and I was an unexpected surprise. When Elijah saw me he froze and Klaus turned to see me. "Katy," he said. "Hello, Nicklaus." "What are you doing here?" He asked. I looked to Elijah and said, "Could I speak to him alone?" "Of course," he said walking to hug me as he exited the room. It was just us two now. The tension was practically suffocating us. "How are you?" I asked. "Sorry dumb question, I guess." He didn't saw a thing. He just looked at me. "Nik, I'm here because I found a witch who found a spell that can break this link between us." When I said that he looked so sad. "Of course. You're here because you want something." "It isn't like that Klaus. I don't just want this, I need this. I just need some of your blood, but it has to be fresh so you have to come to Mystic Falls where the spells was preformed."
"Why should I? In keeping this link, I know I'll see you again. Without it there is no guarantee of that." "If you really care about me, you should want me to live a life that'll make me happy." I'll do it, but for a price." I laughed, "As expected." He walked closer to me and didn't utter a single word. He just stood there looking down at me.  His lips were maybe an inch away from mine. I wanted him to kiss me. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach and the fire in my heart. "Say it, just this once and I'll do it," he whispered. "Niklaus, I love you always and forever." He let out a sigh and looked at the ground between us. I felt him start to move away from me and I though didn't want him to I let him. Nothing was said for a moment. "We should go, but in the morning. I've been driving all day and I'm tired." I had to get out of the room. I didn't trust myself to be alone with him. I went to my old room and looked around. It was literally the same, nothing had even been moved. I walked over to the bed and sat down. On the wall furthest from the door the drawings I did trying to remember everything had been hung there with missing pieces filled in. "Klaus and I," Elijah started from my door, "we thought you may need that again one day." "Hopefully I won't, but I appreciate the gesture." "So you found a way to break your link with him?" I nodded. "And you're sure you want to?" "Yes, Elijah. I'm sure. I love him but Matt is the love of my life, and I want to spend my life with him. I don't want to watching him grow old and die. I want to grow old and die with him." Elijah knew I was right. "If it's what you want I won't stand in your way." He walked out of my room and I was alone. Looking at these pictures that were my life. The good and the bad. I could tell Klaus' drawing from my own. He drew one that was the first night we ever, well you know. I looked at it remembering back. God how I did love him. He also had one where I first met Matt. That was how I knew he was sincere in his feelings for me.
I couldn't sleep that night so I got up and walked to sit in my window. I looked at the sky. The stars were relaxing to look at. They were just little balls of gas that told stories. I used to know all of them but I couldn't remember one of them right now. I went down stairs to get something to drink so maybe I could sleep better. In the fridge was literally almost nothing but blood and booze. I grabbed a glass and just got some tap water. I took a drink of it and took it back to my room. Klaus hadn't spoken to me since I told him what he wanted to hear. I didn't want to say it that way. I meant it. I did love him. But I wanted to spend my life with Matt. I pulled my phone out when I got to my room I texted Matt and told him good night and I'd see him tomorrow. I lay in bed all night wanting to go talk to Klaus but was to scared to. I honestly didn't trust myself with him.
We woke up the next day and I took the pictures off the wall and made a book out of them. I wrote out what each picture symbolized and when I was done I put a cover and back cover on them and put them in my bag. Klaus was outside ready to go. We got in the car said goodbye and drove off.

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