Chapter 31

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Two months later....
Daliah was finally gone. It was over. Hope was safe until the next lunatic came along to get revenge or something, but my fight was over. I made the deal with Klaus that I was leaving after Daliah was dead. I had my stuff packed and was about to get into my car to go. Hayley came and told me goodbye as did Rebekah and Marcel. lol was a sight for sore eyes and he come to tell me goodbye as well. Elijah was one that looked so sad to see me leave. I loved him and I would do anything for him but I needed a change. Matt stole my heart long ago when we first met and I had to spend what time I could with him. "Where is he?" I asked Elijah. "Where do you think? He couldn't say goodbye again." I drove up to the now abandoned bayou and looked around calling out for Klaus. I found him standing by the water. "Nik," I called. "Aren't you supposed to be leaving to go live a happy life?" He always had to be such an ass. "You really weren't going to say goodbye to me? You're that much of a dick?" "What do you want me to say?" He said turning to face me. "I'm going to miss you? I wish you would stay?"  I didn't answer him because I felt that it was a rhetorical question. He started walking towards me and he continued speaking, "Well I'm not going to. Because I shouldn't have to. If it were up to me I'd never let you leave. Every time I find you I seem to just lose you again. You are the best thing I've ever had. You make me strive to be a  better version of myself. And I don't know if I can do any of this without you." He was starting to yell. He stopped speaking and just looked at me.  I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. I didn't know how to react to his response. I knew he cared about me but not like this. I wanted to hug him but he turned away. "Goodbye, Niklaus." I turned and started to walk to my car. I suddenly had a doubt. Do I really want to leave? Klaus and I were still linked. I knew I would have to find a way to break it, but was that what I wanted? I couldn't deny what he and I had. Matt may have my heart but he has everything else. Matt made me happy. I love him more than anything. He was the literal light of my life. But Klaus was, mine. I don't know how to explain it to you. I turned around and walked back towards him. He was still standing there. He was skimming rocks on the lake. I walked to him and he started talking, "What do you wa-." My lips crashed into his. It was passionate. He dropped his rocks and wrapped his arms around my waist. His lips moved in perfect sync with mine. I could feel a fire light inside every time he touched me. I couldn't help but wonder if he felt it too. After a few minutes of this I put my hand on his chest and looked down with my forehead resting on his chin. I tried to slow my breathing. I could feel the heat coming off his body. I looked up at him and said, "Goodbye." "Until we meet again, love," he said placing a kiss on my forehead. I turned and walked away as quickly as I could. I got in the car a drive off. He will always be a part of my life but his part would have to wait. I pulled up to Tyler's old house in Mystic Falls. I got out of my car and ran to Matt who was standing there waiting for me. He caught me in a tight bear hug. He loosened his hug and kiss me. This was were I wanted, no, where I needed to be. We were ready to start this new life. We knew thee would be trouble because, well look at where we are, but we didn't care. I stopped using magic but continued to find a way to break the linking spell between Klaus and I. I met with other witches and some offered their help others didn't.
I was happy here with Matt. Not a day went by were I didn't miss New Orleans though.
About 6 months after looking and nearly giving up hope to find a spell or a gem or anything that would work, I got a call from a witch name Sarah in New York. She was my savior. She found a spell and sent me a list of everything I'd need. It was a lot of blood basically.
-my blood
-Klaus's blood
-doppelgänger blood
-witch blood
-the blood of the one I love most
And some other witchy items. Sarah came to Mystic falls to help with the spell. I had to go to Klaus. I needed his blood. Matt didn't want me to go alone but I needed to. "I'll be back in a few days," I told him. "Just be careful, please." Lay a kiss on his lips and I said, "I love you." "I love you," he responded. It had been six months since we saw each other. I didn't know what to except.

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