Chapter 19

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(Still in the Flashback!! Enjoy)

I went out for a run the next morning because I needed to clear my head. I knew that Matt would watch Katherine for me. By the time I got back to the house, Matt was up but Katherine was still asleep. "Hey, has she been up at all?" I asked Matt grabbing a water out of the fridge. "No. I went to check on her to make sure she was still there and she was sound asleep." "I am going to go check on her." i walked down the hall and she was in bed. I walked into the room and checked on her. I came back into the kitchen and sat my water bottle on the counter. "I made some breakfast," Matt said. "Thanks. I'm going to go take a shower and I'll be back down." He nodded his head and I walked up stairs. I walked into my bathroom and climbed in the shower. 

I went into my room and put on some clothes on. I suddenly got a headache and looked up to see Silas. "How the hell are you in my head?" I asked. "Because you let your guard down. Now tell me where you are." "Not until I find a way to keep her safe. Get out of my head." "So that's where you are." I heard Matt yell my name from downstairs. i ran down there and saw Silas in my living room. "How did you find me?" I asked. "I'm smarter than you." "Matt, go get Katherine and go to the car." "You sure you want him to do that, Katy?" "Silas, you lay a finger on either of them and I will kill you." "Bring Katherine to me." "I will not let you kill her." "She might not even die." "I am not willing to take that chance." I saw Damon walk in behind Silas. "Damon? What are you doing here?" "Just give him Katherine. She won't die she will be a normal doppleganger again." "How do you know that?" "Bonnie." I did trust Bonnie. "Does she know that for certain?" I asked. "Possibly." I thought about it. I turned to Matt and said, "Please take Katherine to the car. i'll be right out." "Are you sure?" he asked. I nodded and he did. "I will drive her to Mystic Falls and  I will try to find another way." I walked outside to the car with Matt and Katherine. 

"Katy?" Katherine said. "Yeah?" "You didn't answer my question." "What was your question?" "Why are we going back to Mystic Falls?" "Katherine, I am not going to let anything happen to you.
I promise." "What is going on?" I snapped my fingers and made Katherine go back to sleep. "Why are you always so willing to help her? After everything she has done to all of us you are going to such extreme lengths to keep her alive." "Matt, she has always there for me. I have to be there for her." We pulled up to Matt's house and I woke Katherine up. "Come on, Katherine. Let's go inside." Suddenly, I saw Silas. "I'll just be taking her now." "Silas, please." "Sorry Katy, I gave you time and you past your deadline." I went to stop him and he hit me and i fell.  He grabbed Katherine before I could stop him. "Katy!" I heard Matt yell as he ran over to me. "He got her, Silas has Katherine," I said as Matt helped me off of the ground. "I have got to find her." "Katy you need to breathe." I was crying. "Matt, please I have to find her." "We will, okay? We'll find her. Come on, let's go inside." We walked inside and I sat on the couch. Matt came and sat beside me. "Are you okay?" he asked. "I'll be better when I get Katherine back safe." "I'm sorry." "For what?" I asked. "For kicking you out. I was just upset. I never thought you would lie to me." "Matt," I started but he cut me off. "Katy, I really do care about you." " I know." I wanted to kiss him, but I couldn't. Not yet. He leaned in to kiss me, but I stopped him. "Matt, I'm sorry. I just don't want to put you in danger." "We are always going to be in danger and there are always going to be problems and obstacles, but I love you and I want to be with you." I leaned in and kissed him. I lay on the couch and Matt was on top of me, then there was a knock on the door. "Seriously," I said. "Just leave them," Matt said. "I would but it could be important." I pushed Matt up so I could go to the door. It was Damon. I punched him. I still have vampire strength thanks to my link to Klaus. "What the hell, Katy?" he said. "Where did Silas take Katherine?" "Your guess is as good as mine. Now if you and the quarterback are done we need you to come to the house." "Why?" Matt asked standing behind me. "Because we have a problem and we need a witchy solution." Matt and I went to his truck and followed Damon to the house.

We got to the house and saw Stefan on the couch. "Okay, what is the problem?" I asked. "Well apparently, you are going to help fix my brain that got fried by an evil witch that tried to kill Elena," Stefan said. "Qetsiyah? Yeah, no ain't gonna happen. She is stronger than me and I can't break her spell." "Well isn't that nice?" Stefan said. "What do you mean? You the strongest witch to live in a thousand years?" Damon said. "Yes, Damon, but if you would recall qetsiyah, Silas, and myself are two thousand years old. They taught me everything I know and are therefore stronger than I am." "So you're saying that Stefan's only hope to get his memories back is," I cut Elena off, "Is if that evil bitch is in a giving mood." We all stood in an awkward silence for a moment and I said, "I'm leaving now."

(Skipping ahead to them finding Amara)

My phone rang and i saw who it was. Damon appeared on the screen. "What do you want?" I said. "We found the anchor and she drank Silas and is now a human. We need your help." "Wait, did you say she?" I asked. "It's Amara. She was the anchor the whole time." I ran to my car and sped to their house. "Where is she?" I asked. "She is downstairs, she keeps trying to kill herself." "Where is Silas?" Elena spoke up, "We don't know but we have a plan to bring Bonnie back." "Oh, god," I  said, "What is that?" "We make Qetsiyah make Bonnie the anchor." "You make her?" I asked almost laughing. "We already have her here and she will do it or we will kill her." "Sounds about right, but if you don't mind I'll go see my sister now." I went down stairs and she was in the cage they made in their basement. I opened the door and there she was. She began to panic and I tried to calm her. "What are you?" she asked. "Amara it's me, Laelia, your sister." "If I am seeing you it means you are dead and you must pass through me." She started crying. "Amara," I grabbed her hand and put it to my chest so she could feel my heartbeat, "I'm not dead. I am very much alive." Her face washed with relief, "You are alive." "I'm alive." I hugged her. "Laelia, what is going on?" she asked me. I could tell that she was scared and I wanted to make her feel safe. "Amara, we have a plan to turn another person into the anchor, so you won't have to live with this burden anymore." "But you will need a powerful witch to do the spell." "We have one," I took a deep breathe, "it's Qetsiyah." She began to panic again. "Amara, look at me. I will not let her touch you. If this works and you want to die, then she will not be the one to kill you. It will be your choice." She was still crying and I hugged her. The door opened and she walked in. That evil bitch that caused this torture to my sister and put me through hell even in her death. "Qetsiyah," I said standing protectively in front of my sister. "Laelia, look at you protecting your sister. The man stealing bitch." "She was in love, it's not her fault he chose her, but you are insane so it's kind of your fault." I could tell I hit a nerve. "Let's get this done." I walked Amara upstairs into a room where Elena and Katherine we standing at a table. I went to Katherine and hugged her. "Are you okay?" I asked her. "Yeah." "Laelia," Amara called and I walked to stand beside her. "You are going to be fine I'll be standing right over there where you will see me the entire time." I walked over to stand behind Qetsiyah where I could watch everything. They began the spell and I was just watching. The lights began to flicker and they were continuing the spell. Suddenly the lights went out and Amara was gone. "Where is she?" I yelled. I ran out into the woods. "Silas!" I yelled. I looked around me and couldn't find them. I closed my eyes and looked through the woods. I found them. I ran to them and I heard people following me. By the time I got to her she was laying on the ground with a puddle of blood under her. "Amara?" I said starting to cry. I fell to my knees and began screaming. I was losing control. "Amara, please wake up." A circle of fire appeared around us and I was holding Amara's head. "Please." "We have to get to her," I heard 
Stefan say. "She'll burn down the entire forest." I looked up to see Esther. She whispered in my ear and I fell to the ground. 

Three weeks later....

I loved my new apartment in New Orleans. It was small and beautiful, and I had a good job with. I could tell I was going to live a happy life here. 


I hope you guys are enjoying the story. The flashback was two chapters, but I hope you liked it. We are back to the present in the next chapter. Just quick review: Katherine is very important to Katy and Amara is Katy's sister. Klaus met Katy when her name was Alina but her birth name was Laelia. And Esther cast a spell on Katy so that she would forget about Klaus, Elijah, Matt and everyone else. Okay now the info I didn't put into these last two chapters, when Qetsiyah "killed" Amara she put a spell onto Katy so that she will live forever until Amara dies. Therefore, her link to Klaus is not her reason for immortality. I know it is kinda confusing, but I am trying to make it make sense. When Mikael stabbed her and Esther brought her back, she was linked to Klaus and Amara. Okay so we are ready to start back!!!

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