Chapter 6

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Since I was finally allowed out of the bedroom I spent most of my time with Hayley. Apparently, she is pregnant with Klaus' hybrid baby. I was walking around the house and I found a piano. It was covered with a sheet, so I took the sheet off and sat in front of it. I hadn't played in a long time, but I began to play a song. I'm not even sure what song, but it sounded good. I'm actually happy I found this because being stuck here for three days sucks. I continued playing and Klaus walked in. "I had no idea you could play," he said. "Well, you shouldn't have kept me locked in a room for three days. You might have learned a thing or two about me." I kept playing and messed up on one part so I started over and kept messing up. "Let me help," klaus said putting his hands on top of mine. The feeling that went through me was indescribable. He moved my hands to the correct notes and it was right. I moved my hands and stood up. "When can I leave?" I asked. He stood up as well and said, "When ever you want." "Really?" I questioned. He nodded to confirm I was aloud to go. I grabbed my bag and left, but I hesitated before walking out the door. There was something about Klaus. I didn't know what, but just something familiar, maybe. I looked back at him as then walked out.

I went straight to the vampires. I was looking for Thierry. I couldn't find him. in fact I couldn't find a few if them, including Marcel. "Hey, new guy." I called. He walked over to me. "Josh isn't it." He nodded. "Where's Marcel?" "Oh, apparently some vamp disobeyed and killed another vamp so he's getting put in someplace called the garden." "What's the vampires name?"

"Not sure. T- something." "Oh my god." I ran out of there so fast. went to the garden and saw Marcel and Diego and a few others including Thierry. "Marcel, what the hell!" I tried to run to Thierry, but Diego stopped me. "Katy you need to leave," Marcel tried to act like I was under his orders. "Screw that. What is going on?!" "You wanna know? Thierry killed another vampire." I didn't believe it. I looked at Thierry trying to get to him. "Diego make sure this gets finished," Marcel said as he grabbed me and picked me up and carried me out. I screamed for Thierry. I was crying hysterically. When we got outside Marcel put me down. "Katy, I had to. He broke the rules." "I don't give a damn. I'd be worried if I were you." "Why is that?" "Because you just pissed off an extremely powerful witch who you can't control."

I walked away and went to my apartment building. I went to the roof and cried. The only person I cared about was basically dead. I had no one. I walked over to the edge of my building. I looked down. I saw the sidewalk down below, the people passing, what few there were. I closed my eyes, and stepped forward.

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