S1 E5: Sand

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After yesterday I was kinda more cautious about going barefoot.

I got up and got ready. I put my pink slip on vans with pink socks, jeans and a pink flower shirt.

I got on the bus and sat with Destiny.

Nate had gotten sick and was going to be out for a while.

When I got to school I headed towards my first class, it went by very fast.

Now, my second class is the one to talk about. I had just gotten a new class and to get to it you had to cross a sandy area and you would always get sand in your shoes.

This leads me to my predicament.

After the first class I headed towards my second class.

I got to the sand barrier.

I stepped in and my shoe went halfway in the sand.

Sand started to get in my shoe.

I walked for a bit and the sand filled my shoe up.

When I got to the end of this sand barrier I had to take my shoes off. I took my vans and socks off One girl saw my shoes and socks sitting there and seized the opportunity. She took them and took off.

I tried catching her but she got away with my shoes!

I sadly didn't have any backup shoes and had to go into class.. barefoot.

I entered and saw the girl. She looked nervous and I wasn't letting this girl get away with my shoes, but I was forgiving.

I wrote on a note, "If you give me my shoes back I won't tell the teacher about it.".

I slid the note to the girl. She read it and sat there for a second and slid a note back.
"I'll keep them :)"

I decided to take revenge on the girl instead.

I saw her flats dangling in class and asked to move seats and the teacher approved it.

The girl got nervous.

Class resumed and I made my move. I slowly slid my shoes back towards me. It had been 30 minutes since we moved seats. The girl had fallen asleep and her flats were half off. I slid the flats off her feet and put them in my bag. She had very small feet. After the bell rang I rushed out. The girl was left with no shoes and a note, "Don't ask for them back :)".

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