S6 E4: Lights Out (Part 2 of 3)

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I decided to put shoes on just in case, I grabbed my pink vans and put them on with white socks. We played a game for a little bit and then we heard the storm and wind pick up. We were worried.

There were cameras monitoring all the rooms in the house and we could see what the storm was doing outside as well as in the house.

As the minutes passed it got stronger. The storm was really strong considering it was a Category 4.

With every passing minute I wondered if the roof would come off.

Me and Scott played games on our phone trying to distract each other from the storm. I put my phone up and we started talking about the storm.

We felt the house shake and a loud crash.

The winds were really picking up and we were near the most powerful part of the storm.

I could hear objects flying upstairs.

"Scott I'd be mad at myself if I didn't do this."

I nervously tried to encourage myself and then- I did it, I kissed him.

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