Admiral's missive - Week 13

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To all ships - A bounty has been reserved for anyone able to subdue Atago. She was last seen staking out near the women's baths.

Ajax - Sure, whatever. If you capture Atago, you can keep her. As long as you leash her and take her outside on walks.

Akagi - Our carriers do not use kamikaze planes. - Do you know how many warcrimes I already have to cover up because of your antics?

Akashi - We've found your yuri collection. We've burned them. Henceforth, you should hide your merch better. - Get a restrain order against Eugen. Please.

Atago - If you come back now, I promise your imprisonment will only be for 2 weeks.

Ayanami - Stop purposefully doing heinous things in order to get on this list.

Bismarck - They are your problem now. My order stands. I am not removing Laffey and Albacore out of your fleet. - Not even if you directly order Albacore to wreak havoc.. - Or throw rocks at me window at night. - You used to be so sane at one point.

Deutschland - Stop asking me if you can get a change in commanders.

Enterprise - The calm acceptance of your fanclub is admirable. But speaking from experience, I'd recommend getting a better door lock. - Trust me.

Prinz Eugen - You! You have no idea how much I hate you right now... Giving Akashi's yuri collection to Atago was your idea, wasn't it?

St. Louis - Permission for vacation denied. We're at war. - Louis, I'm the commander. The entire base is female. bribing me is impossible. I've long since become immune to cleavage.

Sheffield - In all honesty, in a naval base where 80% of your subordinates are fighting over your affection, a change in tune is really desired. Your verbal harassment really makes my day sometimes.

Taihō - If I sign your marriage proposal documents, will you and Roon stop killing each other? - I should burn hers instead, you say? - There's actual merit to this suggestion...

Takao - It's good to see that you're confident in finding your sister. Is it that you already know her location? - No, you are not able to track people from their smell! Even if you have dog ears!

Zuikaku - Members of the Enterprise fanclub should not be attempting to fight against said role-model.

Azur Lane - The next one who attempts to marry me, gets detention!Where stories live. Discover now