Admiral's missive - Week 26

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To all ships - Cheers to everyone for our first confirmed marriage proposal within the base that does not involve me. I wish the two ladies happy future lives. - Fine, a party to celebrate the event is allowed. However, if I find even a single corpse around base this time, party's over.

Atago - Although indeed a lesbian celebratory event, please stop trying to kiss every girl you can find. - Especially the brides.

Avrora - The kitchen staff is more than equipped to handle the party, they don't need your help. - Seriously! They seriously they do not need it!

Belfast - No, you can only have a single Enterprise as wife. No harems. - Don't call me a hypocrite, or I'll have you clean the after-party on your own.

Cleveland - Walking the wife to the alter and handing her over to the husband is usually the job of the father, or something alike. Just let me do it. - You're not a father. You don't have children. you're still a woman!

Enterprise 1 - Congratulations on your marriage, no matter how unexpected it may have been. While Belfast's antics towards you have made her affections very obvious from the start, I was not aware that you had the same affinity for her. - This... marriage was made unanimously, right...?

Enterprise 2 - Your other version is having a marriage. Get out of that cell, leave the rats, and do something with your life already.

Empress III - I respect any tradition, but SIREN marriages do not include flamethrowers. Those are lies!

Graf Zeppelin - You're not invited. Step inside the base and I'll have you arrested. - No, that doesn't mean I won't attempt to arrest you if you don't enter our naval base. You're still a crime against humanity.

Javelin - Yelling "mazel tov" is sure to raise some eye-brows with the Iron blood. - If I were you, I'd hide for a little while.

Kaga - When we pledge our lives to someone else, we don't brand each other's skin. We use rings. - If nothing else has proven that you're just a glorified wild animal, that just did.

North Carolina - Wedding dresses and bunny ears have no correlation with each other. Leave the brides alone.

Laffey - Alcohol and marriages have no correlation with each other. Leave the brides alone.

Observer α - Love is an emotion, and no, you can't eat it. Stop asking me.

Prinz Eugen - Marriage celebrations should not involve strippers. - Get a new hobby already!

Roon - You can't steal the the brides' rings and give them to me, that's not how proposals work. - If you're that stubborn, you can still try, but I won't help you against the wrath of the Belfast demon.

Taihō - Honeymoons are meant for the brides only. Leave me alone.

Takao 2 - Your lasers make for some admittingly splendid fireworks at night, but I'm going to have to ask you to calm down, before the rest of the aircraft carriers imitate you.

Vestal - Marriage or not, this is still a party within the naval base. Get the medical tent ready for flying body parts.

Queen Elizabeth - If you also wanted to marry someone, you should've thought about that before disposing of the members of your harem. - Don't ask me! Do you want to start are war?!

Azur Lane - The next one who attempts to marry me, gets detention!Where stories live. Discover now