The big list - Week 25

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To all ships - "Commander-free week" is not a thing, and will not be thing for as long as I live. Stop purposefully wreaking havoc around the base in an attempt to give me another heart attack and force me on another vacation. - You all think you're so clever, don't you?

Admiral Graf Spee - Arm wrestle matches are to be done with your rigging off.

Admiral Hipper - What the hell is a "Tsundere" and why is it destroying our reality?

Ajax - The pigsty you made is indeed impressive, but we will not dorm any shipgirls inside it.

Albacore - Stop using Graf Zeppelin's slingshot during recreation. - Please pay for the repairs of my office window you flew through.

Akagi - I don't need a body-guard. - Actually, I might need a body-guard against you.

Akashi - The mind-control device will be confiscated. Although Ajax beating herself up while crying "Why are you hitting yourself?" was the highlight of the week.

Ark Royal - Get rid of the mascot costumes. Furries are not an acceptable way to get destroyers to follow you to the back room. - I might have to call human rights over this.

Atago - Appearing before civilians fully undressed and claiming to be a yokai was tasteless.

Avrora - You just can't cook. Don't let it get to you. Although, transforming normal, every-day ingredients into steel melting acid is impressive. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to weaponize this somehow.

Ayanami - Playing dead is not a tactic we are prone to use during battles. Congratulations on the longest time ever recorded to complete a mission, though.

Belfast - Stop locking yourself up inside the closet with Enterprise 1.

Bismarck - That shipgirl is on vacation, she wasn't slacking off. Get her off the crusifix.

Bremerton - For introducing the Naval base to carnival, you will be imprisoned. - Face paint goes off now. No arguments.

Chapayev - Where did you get those funds? - Your handcuff dealer rewarded you for the advertisement? - I fear for the future if your handcuff dealer is having solid business inside our naval base.

Cleveland - Asking me what I think of you as a woman is a guaranteed way to start a civil war among the shipgirls. - Asking me what I think of you as a man is a guaranteed way to get a psychiatrist assigned to you.

Deutschland - Your ego knows no bounds. Stop referring to yourself as 'the fury.' You can get imprisoned over this.

Eldritch - When people ask you to charge up their phone batteries, just refuse.

Enterprise 1 - Enough is enough. I'm assigning Sirius to you as your new personal maid.

Enterprise 2 - Yes, you are completely within your rights to call yourself the "rat whisperer" if you want. Even I can't deny the insane antics you're capable of with these rodents.

Friedrich Der Große - Mothers don't strangle their children. Just keep that in mind.

Formidable - Stop coming up with slang for strippers and then attempt to convince Z26 that that's her real name. - What the hell is a twig-chaser?

Azur Lane - The next one who attempts to marry me, gets detention!Where stories live. Discover now