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Sarah POV:

Five weeks have passed, and a lot has changed. Jason was caught and put in jail for life after finding plans on how to kill my family and lock me away to keep to himself. Which really shook us all, Hunter took it the hardest seeing as they had been best friends. But he was getting over it with our help. Layla doesn't really come home much now and mostly stays with Jett, which is fine seeing as she is nearing her due date herself, and I want Jett to be there for her when the time comes. Jace is almost 2 months now and I can't believe how fast time as gone. Three weeks ago I was cleared to start training again and I was horrified at how out of shape I was. But after a few days I made it my motivation to get back to where I was before. A week ago I got to ride again and the first few laps I had tears in my eyes. I missed it bad but it wasn't till I got back to it that I realized just how much I had truly missed it. I think if I don't have any setbacks and I continue on this track I'll be ready for the east coast series. 

The boys at the tracks have been amazing to us, taking turns to watch Jace so we could get our laps in on their breaks. And of course like the little stinker he is he had everyone wrapped around his finger. The one that had the biggest weak spot for him was Adam funny enough. But now I was sitting in the stands with the other riders families watching practice for the opening round of Supercross, which made me a bit nervous. I always got nervous watching the boys race when I wasn't riding the track too. Even as kids I was that way. As the 450s take off my eyes never leave Chase, watching and memorizing his every movement, looking for mistakes that can be corrected or where he could switch lines up to make up more time. And before I knew it it was over and he was fastest, which didn't really mean anything since it was just practice but it was a good way to start the day. Standing up and adjusting Jace in my arms I start to head back to the tent when I heard someone call my name from behind. Turning around I see Paige Craig walking towards me, and with smiles we give each other a hug as she asks,

"Hey girl, how you been? And tell me the truth missy!"

I raise a eyebrow and say,

"Crazy as all get out. Being new parents, both of us training full time. And dealing with drama that's finally over, it's been a rollercoaster but we have dealt with it all and came out stronger for it."

As we enter the elevator say asks softly,

"Are you ok? I mean Chase told me about how Jace came into the world and after everything else that's happened that had to be so hard."

I swallow a lump in my throat as I look down at my sleeping boys face, and finally say,

"It was hard, I wanted to quit and just give up. Hell I'm pretty sure I begged to stop multiple times but Chase was amazing through it all. Jace and I are both so damn lucky to have him in our lives. If it wasn't for him neither of us would be here today. And I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to him, even though there is no way I'd ever come close."

A tear slipped down the side of my face as I smile back at her shocked face. As the doors open and we step off she stayed silent for a few minutes till she whispers,

"Yes I agree, he is amazing, but he is so lucky to have a woman like you by his side. You have gone through all the shit and can still enjoy life, you can still be a amazing mom and significant other and I know I couldn't be as strong as you. I would have broken a long time ago, but here you are, have a practically new born baby and training to make history once again in this incredibly difficult sport and making it look like its second nature. You really are a inspirational woman Sarah, and don't let anyone tell or make you feel differently."

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