, no, no!

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Sarah POV:

It had been 2 days since that nightmare of a day that ended with my daughter making a early appearance happened. And I have yet to be able to hold her, and it was killing me to the point I never left her side. Luckily they had moved her into my room so I could lay in bed and rest instead of being curled up in a chair. It was currently 1 in the morning and I was laying on my side and was watching my daughter sleep peacefully. I was almost asleep when I heard my door open, I blink as I turn my head. And who I see makes my eyes widen in fear, as I see my mother standing there. My heart starts thudding in my chest and I wished Chase was here with me. But he was at home with our son, because he needed a parent around too. I sit up watching her every move as she walks closer to my daughter. I was about ready to jump out of bed and tackle her when she says,

"Cute little girl, be a shame if something would happen to her, her older brother and their father wouldn't it?"

I froze before my eyes narrow and I whisper,

"You stay the hell away from my family."

She grins and walks towards me slowly as she mutters,

"I promise nothing will happen to them, as long as you come and help us and give us what we want. But if you don't well, accidental death's do happen maybe a semi driver falls asleep and hits them head on, hm?"

My heart drops into my stomach as all the blood drains from my face. My eyes dart back over to see the doll like face of my daughter, and I already knew my choice. I bite my lip as she turns around but before she walks out of the room and says,

"I will give you 2 days to make up your mind, even though I am pretty sure you already have. But that should be enough time for you to be able to hold your daughter. I'm not going to take that away from you, even if I don't care. Because the chances that you will die during this are high, so I will allow you to have that. And you'll know where to meet me at Sarah, it's your favorite place after all."

I stare at her wide-eyed as she disappears, I squeeze my eyes closed as the tears start to spill. I start to sob as I couldn't understand why this was happening to me, that I was being ripped away from my family to keep them safe. But I know with me disappearing that it will destroy them, but I'd rather them be alive than dead.

The next day and a half, I knew Chase could tell something was wrong, but he most likely chalked it up to my postpartum. But as Chase and Jace went to go home for the day, I panicked because this could very well the last time I will ever see my boys. I tear up and cling my son to my chest, and I choke back tears. His small arms hug me back as I feel Chases arms come around both of us. All that was missing was my daughter, whom I still haven't been able to hold. After awhile I pull back slightly and smile at Jace and whisper,

"Mama loves you with her whole heart, my baby boy."

He blinks up as me before jumping back into my arms mumbling,

"I love you too mama, never leave me again."

My heart snaps into a million pieces as he says that, knowing I was going to have to leave him again. But I just smile and pepper his face with kisses getting him to start giggling. Like always the sound melts my heart, and I knew I'd never forget that sound but I memorize it again just in case. I quietly say,

"I love you too baby, now would you mind stepping outside the door? I need to talk to daddy."

He nods before climbing off the bed and slipping outside the door. I sigh and pull Chase to me by his shirt and kiss him with everything in me. He cradles me to his chest as he deepens the kiss. I fight back the sobs as I start shaking, making him pull back and cup my face with one hand and ask,

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