Gajeel's Last Stand

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The final dragon went down and there was only a second of silence before the cheering started, louder than she had ever heard before. Lucy ran up behind her and hugged her tightly. "Levy we did it!" Levy smiled back enthusiastically and saw the brave team coming from the dust. The dragon slayers, Natsu Dragneel, Wendy Marvel, Rogue Cheney, Sting Eucliffe and Gajeel Redfox.

Levy's heart fluttered seeing his outline against the dust but it almost stopped once it began to settle. He wasn't walking on his own, Natsu and Rogue were on either side of him holding him up and from twenty feet away Levy could see the pain on his face.

"No... no no no please no." She started running towards him, stumbling on the rubble and ignoring Lucy behind her.

The cheering had stopped and two Exeeds came from Sabertooth and rushed to Sting and Rogue's sides. Carla Happy and Lilly weren't far behind Levy as were Erza, Lucy, Gray, Juvia, and Master. Levy fell to her knees next to Gajeel on the ground. Wendy was trying her hardest but everyone already knew nothing could help now. Carla and Erza finally pulled her away, crying and repeating to Levy,

"I'm sorry I'm not strong enough I'm so sorry!" Levy shook her head and refused to believe it.

Natsu held Lucy behind her and Levy could hear him saying how they couldn't have done it without him.

"Stop it! All of you he's not gone yet!" She screamed at no one and everyone.

"Hey shrimp... what kind of an attitude is that to have with your friends?"

Levy looked up to his face with tears streaming down hers. "Gajeel..."

"Hey there short stuff... I was thinking.. I wouldn't get to see you... again"

"Don't talk like that. I can do it I can fix you I promise."

He put one bloodied hand against her cheek which she leaned in to. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, Gajeel I'll forgive you for being so stupid if you just live ya big lug!"

He laughed the way only he did and made her smile even through the tears. "Levy.."


"I... well I love..."

She shook her head. "I love you too."

"Bye shrimp." He said at last closing his eyes and letting his hand fall from her face.

"Gajeel... Gajeel!!"

Lilly came up with tears falling like rivers down his face and tried pulling her arms away from him.

"No! No I can fix him!" She wiped her face, only spreading grime and dust across it but Gajeel would have thought she'd never looked more beautiful. " I can do something I have to!"

Lilly finally couldn't take it anymore. He lifted Levy over his shoulder. Levy kicked and screamed at him to put her down until he finally said "No Levy! He's gone! Please don't make this harder!"

Lilly was trembling underneath her and she finally let herself believe he was truly gone. Gone forever and not coming back. Lilly set her down only once they'd gotten away from the rubble of the outer buildings. There was a small house with a bedroom hidden away where he put her down. She was exhausted.

"Lilly don't leave."

"I'm not Levy. He made me promise." He shrunk down and crawled in next to her resting in her arms.

"Sold script magic. Iron Heart."

A small iron heart formed between her hands, warm not cold, etched with the words I love you. She fell asleep thinking of her brave dragon slayer and all he'd done to protect not only her but their guild, their friends. He was her hero, her knight in iron armour.

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