Luna Dragneel pt 4

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The guy introduced himself as being from the future just like Luna, but she'd never seen him before. Something about him seemed very wrong, but she couldn't explain it really.

"Someone is going to stop the Eclipse Project." He said. "And ruin humanity's future."

"Who would ever do that?" Lucy asked, clearly horrified.

Luna saw his eyes narrow in on her and she pushed past Wendy.

"You... Lucy Heartfelia!" He shot something towards her and Luna felt like time was working against her. Her dad reached out, but was just too late; she was her mom's only chance.

Luna felt like she was trying to climb up a waterfall, like everything was moving in slow motion, but by some miracle, when she lunged she knew Lucy was safe.

At first, all she could feel was numbness across her torso where she'd been struck. Then it started to hurt as soon as she'd hit the ground.

"L-Luna!" Lucy cried, unable to move at first.

Wendy's knees shook and faltered. Leo just caught her before she fell. Happy and Carla gasped and Carla turned her head into Happy's shoulder.

Lucy and Natsu reached Luna at the same time. Lucy rested Luna's head on her lap and saw the tears in her daughter's eyes. Natsu took her hand and held it close to his chest.

"Why? Why did you do that?" Lucy sobbed.

"I would have... disappeared... anyways. Without you... there's no me." Luna said between heavy breaths. "I l-loved you both... so much."

"Wendy!" Natsu looked to her with tears in his eyes, but Wendy only shook her head.

"Dad." Luna's voice was getting quieter and quieter, but he heard her clearly. "You and Mom... can do this."

"We will!" He kissed the red mark on her skin. "We will! I will protect your future, Luna!"

She smiled through the pain. "I know you will. Because you're part of Fairy Tail... and you're my dad." She looked up at Lucy as her tears fell on her cheeks. "Mom. Don't... don't doubt your instincts. You... were right."

"Right about what? Luna? Luna!" Lucy watched her daughter's eyes slide shut and her hand fall from Natsu's.

"That wasn't supposed to happen." The guy said. Natsu rounded on him, arms aflame and tears streaming. "You will not take anyone's future, especially Lucy's!"

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