Gajeel and Levy's Mission pt 1

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They came in the middle of the night. By the time the first rays of sun hit the Fairy Tail guild hall, it was already destroyed. The hall was exactly the way it looked after Gajeel and Phantom Lord had attacked, broken and beaten down with iron littering the floor like it had fallen like hail. Everyone who passed it on the streets crossed to the other side, afraid something was inside waiting for the guild members.

When they began showing up, all of them were stunned. Iron bars were protruding from the walls in all directions, the doors had caved in to where no one could even squeeze in.

No one could think of what to do until Natsu, Lucy, Happy and Gray ran up, not believing their eyes. Each of the boys clenched their fists, Natsu was seething fire from the corners of his mouth and Gray was cursing as Master walked up behind them. His eyes were hard to read but they knew he was angry to say the least.

Behind them, Gajeel was walking up with Pantherlily. Once he was in sight, the two pounced on him, taking the Iron Dragon Slayer by surprise and crashing with him through the side of an abandoned building. By the time Master had gotten them separated, with the help of Mira Laxus and Elfman, Gajeel had taken a few hits but not without landing a couple of his own. Lily stood back to back with him, panting from the effort just as the others were.

Master stood in front of Gajeel while he and Lily finally took a look around. By then, Levy, Droy and Jet had made their way to the Guild. The destruction sent chills down her spine as she remembered the first time Iron had decorated the walls. Gajeel began to defend himself but Master silenced him. Levy pushed through the crowd to see him standing in front of everyone, not cracking under their gazes. After they'd calmed down, Master let him defend himself without interruption. There were scoffs throughout the Hall which made Levy clench her small hands into fists.

"I believe him." She said suddenly.

Jet and Droy reached out to stop her but she shook them off and marched up to him, taking a place next to him in front of everyone, feeling small but standing as tall as she could. Their backs were to the hall and they stood facing everyone else who had gathered in front of it.

"What are you doing up here, Shrimp?" Gajeel grumbled looking down at her.

"Helping you out, baka. Now shut up."

Master looked back and forth between the two of them before finally saying, "Gajeel is not lying. He did not attack our guild."

Someone muttered "again" and it sounded suspiciously like Droy. Gajeel's shoulders relaxed slightly and she heard him sigh slightly in relief. A small smile touched her lips. He'd never betray them now, she knew him that well at least. That thought made her blush so she avoided looking at him again.

Once everyone was dismissed, Master called Gajeel, Lily, and Levy off a side street. "I can think of at least two guild leaders who would think of attacking Fairy Tail. One of which has done it before." Master said, looking directly at Gajeel.

"Jose?" Levy asked with another chill creeping along her spine.

"Wouldn't surprise me. Trying to get back at me and Juvia for joining Fairy Tail." Gajeel growled.

His hands clenched and his eyes flashed dangerously. Master nodded solemnly. "I suspect he's trying to get us to turn on you and make us question Juvia at the same time."

"He's wrong." Levy said firmly

"Not so much short stack. No one back there believed me."

"I did." She blushed and added "So did Lucy, Juvia, Mira, Laxus, Elfman, Wendy and Carla. And Lily of course."

"I was with him all night. It's hard not to hear the snoring." Lily said with a small smile.

"Shut up, cat! I don't snore!" Gajeel yelled.

"Not the point right now. We need to find where Jose is hiding and if he's founded a new, dark guild. That's why I'm sending in you three as a small group to avoid being spotted by the Magic Council."

"The three of us?"

"Me too?"

Levy and Gajeel looked at each other then blushed and looked away. Lily laughed.

"Great. Head out as soon as you can."

Master pushed past them and returned to everyone else. The two wizards stood for a minute not looking at each other before Gajeel finally said, "Meet me back here in half an hour. Then we can leave."

"We're going together! You can't boss me around!" She shouted after him as he lumbered away. Droy and Jet raced to her side.

"What was that about Levy?" They asked together.

"I have to go somewhere... with Gajeel." She said walking away.

They followed close behind with fallen faces. "Where are you going?"

"Can't say. And you can't come in here." She said when she reached the girl's dorms. Both Jet and Droy watched her walk inside and sighed.

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