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    From the first time Juvia saw him, she knew she would fall in love with Gray. His dedication to protecting Fairy Tail and his friends, his ambition, and most of all his mercy. How he'd not only let her live, a little bumped and bruised, but saved her life when she'd wanted to give it up.
    She was thinking about that as she walked with Lucy and Levy to the park where they were meeting Gray, Natsu, and Gajeel. The boys of course would never call it a date, but that's what she'd taken it as. Her head was off in the clouds until they spotted the three mages sitting in the grass.
    Juvia walked up first to be sure she got to sit next to Gray. He looked at her and sort of smiled which made her heart flutter. The others sat down a for a while, the six of them just ate the picnic lunch the girls had brought and talked.
    After a while, Gray suggested they do something that wasn't so borning, so they decided on a game Natsu came up with. They were to be split into teams of two , one of which was blindfolded while the other wasn't and set on opposite sides of the park and have to find the other without talking. If you found your partner last or if you found someone else's first, you lost.
    The teams were made with Juvia calling Gray first, leaving Natsu and Lucy then Levy and Gajeel. Juvia chose to be blindfolded and went to the other side of the park to wait for the game to start. Once it did, Juvia knew she had to hurry because while Gajeel and Natsu had both also been blindfolded, their senses of smell were amazing and she knew that she and Gray didn't have that advantage.
    But she didn't worry, she knew she'd find Gray, like magnets they seemed drawn together. When she let herself walk forward she was sure it was in the right direction. She her someone walking over the roots of a tree she was walking past, just on the other side.
    There wasn't an answer, just the sound of someone walking around to her. Whoever it was, put their hand on her cheek and the other on the tree next to them. He pressed his mouth to hers and she froze in her place. Once he pulled away, he ran off before she could rip off her blindfold.
    Juvia slumped up against the tree. "Gray-sama!"
    From next to her, Gray walked up, avoiding looking at her. "You cheated, you took off your blindfold."
   "Juvia had to!" Juvia put her face right in front of his, making him flinch. Her face light up. "It was Gray-sama!"
   "What was me?"
   "Gray-sama kissed Juvia!"
    He flushed bright red. "Wha-what, no!"
    She smiled. "Yes! Gray-sama smells like the snow, clean and clear water!"
    Gray's mouth hung open then shrugged and pulled her close to kiss her again. "You got me." He smirked.

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