How Long Will You Love Me?

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Lucy sank into her seat and finally let tears fall down her face. The door closed and she watched as the plane took off, pulling her away from the pink haired love of her life.
Natsu put his hand on the glass, watching them take his blonde love away. "It's okay Lucy." He said with a small smile. "This is what you're meant to do."

Four years later, a 23 year old Lucy hurried down the hall to her boss' office. "Sorry Mr. Leo." She said bursting into the room.
"That's okay Lucy." He smiled and looked at her over the rim of his glasses. "You're done then I take it?"
"Yes. The final copy. This one's yours." She handed him a book.
Mr. Leo took it. "Tell Me You Love Me. You changed the title."
"Third time actually. I decided on this one." Lucy smiled seeing her pen name, Layla Heartfelia, under the title.
He flipped to the end and read the last lines. "As the plane lifted into the sky, she put her hand up to the window. Under her breath, she muttered I love you. No matter where she went, or what she did, he'd be in her mind and in her heart." He closed it. "This guy really made an impression on you, huh?"
Lucy nodded and smiled sadly. "He got the money to send me here. And he's the reason your publishing company ever saw what I had written. He's everything to me."
"Where is he now?"
Lucy looked down. "He had to stay back home. To take care of everyone. I haven't seen or spoken to him since. He thought that would make it easier for me to get this done."
"And now that you have, are you going to return to him?"
Lucy looked up. Mr. Leo had asked her repeatedly to go out with him, as had a couple interns, and each time she'd shot them down. As Lucy would often write in her diary, it was like life kept reminding her she needed him. Natsu was the only one. But they hadn't spoken in four years, almost to the day. He could have gone back to Lisanna, maybe another girl who moved in. Someone smarter than her, prettier than her, someone who wouldn't leave him to pursue her dream. She'd left him, she'd got on that plane, and she'd never gone back. He probably hated her. "I don't think so."
"That's too bad. He'd be a very lucky guy. Believe me." Mr. Leo picked up her book again and walked to the door. "I'm very proud to have you part of our team. And I'm hoping you're going to start on another soon."
Lucy followed him out then said goodbye in the lobby, finally going home. She showered slowly and laid down in bed thinking about him. Natsu.
They'd met so long ago in high school, he'd saved her from a guy who'd cornered her behind their school. She knew as soon as they had their first date that he was the one. He had to be. Something about him. And she'd left it all.
In the morning, Lucy woke with the sun streaming through her windows. A beautiful day like normal. There was a noise outside like someone was in the hallway outside her apartment. She pulled on a robe over her shorts and tank top and shuffled to the door.
"Stop! I'm knocking I'm knocking!" Said the voice outside. Lucy froze. "I got it. Levy, as soon as you get off the phone I can!"
There was a knock, twice then just barely a pause and three more.
His signature knock.
It was him.
He knocked again.
He was here.
She finally undid the lock and took a dee breath. Lucy pulled it open all at once and stared at Natsu with his hands in his pockets. He'd gotten just a bit taller and more muscular. He still had a burn scar peeking out over his scarf.
"Hey Luce." He said looking her over with a half smile.
Lucy threw her arms around him and kissed him fiercely. He picked her up with his hands around her waist and shut the door behind him with his foot. Natsu brushed her cheek with his thumb and pulled away looking into her big brown eyes. Like wood at hearth, burning warm and bright. Like home.
"I'm sorry-" Lucy started but Natsu put his hand on her mouth.
"Don't be. I'm proud of you, Lucy. You know your book, took me a five hour plane ride and a 30 minute cab. The only book I've ever actually finished. All thanks to your boss by the way."
"I love you." Lucy said with tears in her eyes. "So much. I missed you."
Natsu touched his head to hers. "I love you too. And I missed you more."

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