One Day

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    Erza was running, but she wasn’t sure she could for much longer. It felt like she had been running for days, maybe weeks. With her current condition, she hadn’t been able to replenish her magic power and so she kept running, knowing she couldn’t stop to defend herself from her attacker. A loud crash echoed through the tunnels she had been hiding in, telling her that her pursuer had stumbled across her path. At each fork, she’d picked a route at random to hopefully slow him down.
    The ground started lurching underneath her and her eyes were heavy with exhaustion but Erza could have sworn there was a light ahead. That’s what kept her moving, this probably imaginary light. As she stumbled closer, it turned out to be the light of a fire, deep in these underground tunnels. Three figures had their backs to her until her ragged breathing made them turn, arms raised and ready to attack. When she saw their faces, she felt she could finally stop, could finally rest. Erza fell to her knees and would have fallen to the ground if he hadn’t caught her just in time.
    Jellal’s coat was the last thing she saw as her eyes slid shut. He held her close to him as Ultear and Merdy faced her attacker. He hid Erza away in his tent until they had defeated the monster, the last of thousands that Erza had fought. Jellal had heard that a certain red-haired wizard was in the area ridding the land of the monsters and that in a day, she’d brought their numbers from thousands to hundreds. She must have worn herself out too much all at once.
    Ultear and Merdy attended to her, bandaging her wounds as he paced nervously by the fire. When the reappeared, he didn’t even need to ask before they let him know she was going to be okay. It wasn’t until the next day that Ultear finally asked him what he planned to do.
    “What do you mean?”
    “Well, what happens when she wakes up?”
    “She’ll probably leave. I’m sure her guildmates are already looking for her.”
    “That’s not what I meant.”
He knew exactly what she meant, just didn't have an answer. What was supposed to do?
    "Tell me you're not going to go with the fiancee thing again." Ultear said, aware that Erza was beginning to wake up.
    "I had to. She's so much better off without having to worry about my feelings for her." He sighed. "I can't tell her because nothing would change. She deserves better."
    Erza stayed where she was, hoping that when she "woke up", he wouldn't suspect she had been listening in. After a few minutes she stretched and crawled out.
    "You're awake." Jellal said turning towards her.
    "Very perceptive Jellal." Merdy rolled her eyes.
    Erza blushed and nodded. After they gave her some food, Erza was ready to head out. Jellal volunteered to help her out and the two left, heading into the tunnels she had run down.
    Once they'd reached the outside, Jellal broke their long, yet not uncomfortable silence. "I'm glad you're okay, Erza."
    He spoke moments before the rocks beneath her feet gave away, catching her just before she was out of reach. He put her arm over his shoulders and hoisted her up, sitting back while holding to her. They blushed and smiled at each other.
    "You know... it's crazy how perfect your timing is." She said, looking away. His face was close enough that she could have kissed, and boy she want to. But she didn't. Instead, she waited until his jacket had disappeared into the tunnel, watching his wave and smile, unsure of next time she'd see again.
    "Even though we can't be together right now, I still love you, Jellal. One day, I promise I'll tell you. One day."

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