A Princess and a Dragon part 2

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Lucy led Natsu through the halls and to the main chamber. Before she could follow him Inside, someone called her name. It was Loke, one of the suitors that wanted her hand and stayed in the court until she was engaged or maybe even married.
"Sir Loke." She said with a sigh.
"You know I've asked you to call me Loke, Lucy." He said walking up to her.
"And you know I've asked you to call me Princess or Miss Lucy."
"Right, my bad."
"I'm sorry, but we have a guest that I've taken into my care and I must keep up with him, you can propose to me again some other time."
By the time she'd made it back inside, Natsu was standing nervously in front of her father who stared back at him like they'd had a very important conversation. She waiting off to the side for anyone to speak.
"You may stay a few days until you're sure you can continue on your own. Nut if these men attack this castle, I will not hesitate to give you up if it will protect my kingdom."
"Of course." Natsu made another sloppy attempt at a bow, not very deep or steady. It made Lucy giggle. Levy pushed open the doors as Natsu turned around and curtsied expertly.
"Your majesty, there is a group approaching the castle. They ride on horses, maybe two miles to the east."
"Let them in, unless the bear a crest of iron with a fairy on it." The king told her.
She nodded and hurried back out. Natsu shared a look with the king then turned to Lucy and inclined his head. "I'm not familiar with the ways of the court, obviously I bet."
"I could tell. But at the same time, you seem to know when you're supposed to do something, just not when to do it."
"I pick up some things. I've been through many courts before." He smiled and stuck out his arm for her to take as another lord was doing to his wife as they left with the king to meet the newcomers. She took his arm and they walked out.
"I don't have any idea where I'm going." He said after a minute. His stomach growled as if in response.
"Oh, I'm sorry I completely forgot you hadn't eaten yet!" She said. "Back this way, I'll get the kitchens to make you something."

Mira met them at the kitchen doors. "Princess!"
"Mirajane, great to see you. I have a favor to ask."
"Anything!" She smiled.
"Could you prepare a little of everything. Natsu is in dire need of food." The polite thing of him to dodo bow would be to say he only needed something small if it was no trouble, but he didn't. He really didn't belong here.
Mira wasted no time getting the head chefs Macao and Wakaba to heat up the ovens. Lucy liked watching them at their craft and sat at a small table with Natsu to talk with the other workers. Macao's son took a auick interest in Natsu and asked all about where he'd been, but he kept to general answers. He seemed to be hiding something but at the same time it was like he couldn't quite remember.
Natsu ate everything they offered him with gusto. He probably would have eaten the fire from the ovens if he could have. He anazed Lucy with his wild ways, so unlike anyone she'd met before.

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