A Princess and A Dragon part 3

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After he ate, Natsu and Lucy made their way to the gardens. Natsu looked around and suddenly tapped her shoulder. "You're it."
Without explaining what he meant, he ran down the hill to the small lake at the bottom. Lucy picked up her skirts and ran after him, still not sure what she was supposed to do. Her breathing got harder, but she chased him anyways, eventually tapping his arm. Now it was her turn to run.
It seemed that they'd been running for hours before they both collapsed in the grassed, their chests rising and falling heavily. Lucy smiled at him. "What was that, then?"
"Just a game." He panted.
"Well, that was a pretty great game." Lucy looked up at the clouds and wrapped her hand around her necklace, a gift from her late mother. "I never had time to be a child. To run around in a field to feel out of breath to have a day without responsibility. And you show up and suddenly... well it's like I don't even know what's going on anymore. It's completely exciting. I feel like a child. I feel free."
Natsu rolled over on his stomach and smiled at her. "Glad to have been able to teach you something then, Your Majesty . What's that?" He asked pointing to her necklace.
"A gift from my mother. A star." Lucy showed him and it glinted in the sun. She then realized how late it was. "It's nearly sundown."
As she said it. Levy's voice called out her name. "Princess, your father's decided to host a ball tomorrow night." Usually, the two loved these parties, but Levy didn't seem happy. "The suitors have arranged it hoping you will be pressured to choose a husband."
Lucy's spirit fell. Of course her wonderful day would be met by this. "What type of ball is it?"
"A masquerade. Your favorite."
"Good, then we'll just have to make sure I don't stick out and that you two will stay with me."
"Wait- I have to go too?" Natsu asked.
"Yes, everyone I say goes. It's for me so if I want you there you'd better be. I'll need your help." Her eyes pleaded with him and he agreed.
As they went back inside and Lucy left to eat dinner with her father, Natsu turned to Levy.
"I can't dance. At all."
Levy giggled. "I had a feeling that may be a problem. I'll teach you, don't worry."
In his room, Natsu and Levy tried to get down the more basic steps of dancing, all which were so far getting him nowhere and her bruised feet. Lucy arrived just as Natsu had almost knocked Levy down for the third time and had to keep herself from giggling.
"Going well I take it?"
"Hardly." Levy grabbed Lucy's hand and pushed her to Natsu. "Your turn to teach, Princess since it will be you he dances with most."
Lucy blushed and so did Natsu, but he took her hand in his and got into position. It was hard work at first, especially since Natsu seemed to find it funny when she would almost fall, though he always caught her, but eventually Lucy saw real progress.
The next morning, Lucy returned to his room to see Levy had beat her there and was helping him again. By now, his movements, while far from graceful, were more controlled and he seemed to have gotten the least complicated dances down.
The only thing left to do was find something for him to wear.... Lucy had never had a brother so that was out, but there was someone she may be able to ask for a favor....
Loke was only too happy to be of service. He took Natsu into his room and told the girls not to worry, that he would be dressed and ready when the ball began. That left Levy and Lucy to ready themselves. Levy had already chosen her outfit, a pixie, so Lucy decided on a fairy to match. She wore a simple pink dress and an intricate mask across her face.

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